Chris Evans who played the Human Torch in this past summer's 'Fantastic Four' talked candidly to Total Film about the movie sequel's potential villains, start production, and much more.
Mr Human Torch himself - plans for a sequel to the superhero success are well underway. "Oh yeah, we're doing one," he told "We start next June."
"There'll definitely be new villains," says Evans. "They said something about Mole Man and Puppet Master. I think they should bring Dr Doom back!" Don't hold your breath, kids. Julian 'Doom' McMahon has alreayd indicated he's not under as strict a contract as the rest of the cast.
Evans also hinted that Jessica Alba's Sue Storm and Ioan Gruffud's Mr Fantastic might be tying the knot. 20th Century Fox has already pencilled in its release date - 4 July 2007 - but whatever the storyline end up being, Evans is hopeful that the filmmakers ramp up the action for round two: "I hope we have a lot more enemies, and much more of an aggressively paced product. We've done the origin story, now let's get our hands dirty."
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