Despite being directed by Barbershop's Tim Story and having comic elements in it, the Fantastic Four movie is being planned as a comedy, according to Marvel Studios exec Avi Arad.
Arad sought to assure nervous fans at Comic-Con this past week that the film will have a "proper tone" and that Story has been an FF fan all his life, according to Ain't It Cool News.
Other tidbits about the film:
- Actor Michael Chiklis (The Thing) was on hand to say "It's Clobberin' Time!" several times with a Ben Grimm action figure in hand.
- Story insisted Dr. Doom will be Victor Von Doom (not Victor Von Damme as suggested by earlier versions of the script).
- Doom's actor will be revealed in a week and has a "wild accent."
- Latveria, Doom's tiny kingdom, will be a small part of the script.
- Brunette Jessica Alba will be blonde as Sue Storm/the Invisible Gilr.