In a recent interview, Michael A. Stackpole has revealed some details on the upcoming novel based on Conan the Barbarian.
MS: I’m just finishing up my latest tie-in project, the novelization for the Conan the Barbarian movie which will be out in August, 2011. I’m talking with a number of other companies about doing work in their universes. The two factors I look at when picking projects are 1) how much the property interests me and 2) whether or not it has an audience/market share which I can tap to buy my other books. Because of the digital revolution, I have a choice: either I work for someone else at a tiny percentage, or I work for myself, turning out independent books like my In Hero Years…I’m Dead. Since the payoff for the latter is much better, and the process is quicker; any tie-in properties will have to be things I really love with a huge audience. (Hence my working in the Conan universe. )

We also get the theatrical poster that was revealed via the official website for this movie.