As someone aspiring to become a director and as a fan of cbm's I thought I'd check out the Green Lantern blu ray for it's special features. It was quite fascinating to see how the movie was developed mostly from a directing stand point, seeing how the director interacts with the cast and crew is great. Now we all now Green Lantern has it's faults but there was still potential in it and that can be seen from the amazing development art that you can see on the disc. My first time watching the blu ray and third time watching the film I became very aware of the problems in the film and I want to list them as well as possible solutions.
1. Lack of vision: To me it seems that GL was made for the sake of being made, it seemed nobody had a real grasp on what the franchise could be.
2. Martin Campbell: Wasn't the man for the job, I see campbell handling Green Arrow, but after this I don't want him near another cbm.
3. Script: Again lack of vision led to a poorly written script in my opinion. Four writers is stupid. QUALITY OVER QUANTITY. I would rather have 1 or 2 writers who knew what they were doing.
4. Villains: The Parallax/ Legion/ Krona/ Galactus/ Dust Bunny hybrid was a terrible idea for a villain. It should have been Krona or Manhunters or Star Sapphire and was way to early to introduce Parallax to an audience.
5. To much Ryan not much Hal: I feel the writers tried to make Hal fit Ryan instead of Ryan fit Hal which was a disgrace, but I still feel Ryan is the best Hal.
6. Not enough Oa, space scenes: To put it goody you compared the film to Star Wars but didn't deliver Star Wars.
1. Believe in the source material: To much was crammed into the first film, over the course of three or four films everything could be explained. K.I.S.S. comes to mind.
2. Better writing: Someone who understands the stories and mythology of the Green Lantern universe should handle writing even if it's just one or two writers.
3. Director: The director should have more faith in the project then anyone. The director's "PASSION" should be unequaled by anyone to film an amazing epic in my opinion.
4. Do not follow but lead: Green Lantern stories have been popular in comics because I believe they go where no other hero can go. Lantern stories have the unique ability of capturing the imagination because of the Star Wars meets Superhero mash up.
I want to know what other fans think. Am I right in my assumptions or am I far off the deep end?
Sound off and let me hear your thoughts.