It's been about 18 months since I first made a list containing my top picks for the role of John Stewart/Green Lantern in the DCEU, and in that time we have gotten an official confirmation that the protectors of Sector 2814 are coming to the silver screen in 2020. Currently, the script is to be written by David Goyer and Justin Rhodes, is being descriped as "Lethal Weapon in space", and will supposedly feature both Hal Jordan and John Stewart, which should be good news to fans of both characters. There has also been rumors regarding casting of the main characters - and there are even several actors openly campaining for the role of John Stewart - and some have even predicted that at least one Lantern will show up in Zack Snyder's Justice League later this year.
Recently, a rumored shortlist of actors that WB are looking at for Hal Jordan surfaced, containing such names as Tom Cruise, Jake Gyllenhaal, and Armie Hammer (who has has been hinting at a DCEU role), but no official confirmation followed. In the case of John Stewart, Tyrese Gibson has (thankfully) grown quiet regarding his desire to take on the role, but other actors such as Common (who previously landed the role in a cancelled Justice League film to be made by George MIller in 2007) and Sterling K. Brown has recently expressed some interest in the role.
When I think of John Stewart I think of a rather tall, muscular, proud black man with a very compelling and powerful voice, with plenty of gravitas, which is why I would like our John Stewart to be at least 6', have a darker complexion and a voice that demands respect.
Here are my top picks:
Idris Elba

Acting ability
We have been over this before, but Idris Elba is the perfect choice, hands down. He’s a great actor who is nearing the end of his contract with Marvel. If he’s able and willing to move on from Marvel he is the John Stewart we need, and the John Stewart we deserve. At 6'2.75", Elba won't look out out place next to Affleck, Momoa, Johnson, Fisher and Cavill. He also has a voice that can send chills down one's spine. However, given that
GLC is scheduled for a 2020 release, and the Brit is turning 45 this year, he might be too to tackle a role such as John Stewart.
Mahershala Ali
Acting ability
After, in my opinion, leaving Marvel's
Luke Cage way too early, Ali is another actor that could turn out to be Marvel's loss, but DC's gain, as Ali is becoming a star in his own right, and WB would be wise to snatch him up as soon as possible. At 6'1.5", Ali is tall enough to fit amongst the rest of the league's members, but I would not mind if he decided to add some more size if he would be offered the role. However, since he's turning 43 in a few weeks, Ali would be an older, more mature John Stewart, and perhaps not someone WB wants to build a franchise around.
Damon Wayans Jr.
Previous involvement with Marvel
Wayans is only 1 of 3 actors that remained on my updated list, but for good reason.
At 34, while filling out a reasonably fit 6’1” frame, Wayans definitely fits the physical requirements (although, a Snyder-workout would not hurt), and is young enough to build a franchise around (even in 2020). He has also proven to be a great comedic actor, but remains untested in more serious waters, which could be cause for concern, but I like the guy enough to give him a chance. Also, portraying John Stewart would give him a chance to prove that he is more than just another Wayans.
Trai Byers
Untested as a lead
I only had to watch one episode of
Empire to see that Byers would be a great choice for John Stewart. More than two seasons later, I'm more confident than ever before that Byers is a star on the rise. At 33, he is young enough to build a franchise around, but he is also big enough with a 6’1.5” muscular frame. His voice might not be as powerful as for example Elba’s, but it can still be compelling and he carries himself with a lot of confidence. Snag him before it is too late, WB.
Sterling K. Brown
Acting ability
Marvel contract
Before he expressed an interest in the role, I had never considered Sterling K. Brown for the role of John Stewart. Boy, was I mistaken. Brown, like Elba and Ali, would be on the wrong side of 40 if he would get the role, but with his acting skills and interest in the role he needs to be considered anyway. He is tall enough, holds a powerful voice, and has the gravitas needed for John Stewart, so I see nothing keeping WB from casting Brown NOW.
Oh yeah, I forgot, Brown is currently set to appear in Marvel's
Black Panther, and whether that stands in the way of him moving to DC remains to be seen.
Trevante Rhodes
Acting ability
The only issue I see with the 26 year old, 6' tall, crazy fit Trevante Rhodes is his voice, and it is not even an issue. It is far from as compelling as Elba's or Brown's, sure, but it would fit a younger John, as a former military man who just finished architect school (or something like that). However, if WB wants Rhodes in the role, they better get him quick, as his career is heating up significantly post-
Moonlight, and he looks to be a busy man in the future.
Stephan James
Acting ability
Ah, another young one. The 23 year old Canadian is not only the only actor younger than me on this list, but he would be great pick for a young John Stewart. He has the acting skills, the look, the height, and could easily add some size if needed to. While being 23 might seem a bit too young for a character such as John Stewart, James is turning 24 later this year, and
GLC is still three years away.
Lance Gross
Acting ability(?)
Gross lost the role of the titular hero in Marvel's
Luke Cage (first seen in
Jessica Jones) to Mike Colter, so perhaps he would be an even better fit for John Stewart in the DCEU. To be honest, I have not seen Gross in much, but the fact that Marvel did consider him for a relatively high-profile gig must mean that he does possess some talent, and he definitely looks the part. My largest concern with Gross is his voice, as he is rather soft-spoken and lacks the powerful voice I picture our John Stewart to have.
Who's your favorite pick? Share your thoughts below, and stay tuned for an updated list for Hal Jordan as well.