The series described as "The Breakfast Club meets The Grudge" is a comic book which one the award for the 'Best Selling Indie Comic Book' back in 2009. A recent film adaptation was made and a trailer for it was recently released.
A lot of you (like myself) has probably never heard of BKGtH, so here's a short summary:
A group of students at Crestview Academy; a school for the spawn of the rich and famous, are all forced to undergo detention on a stormy afternoon. The teens are all from different social groups and are known as the baddest kids in school. While in detention, they discover all isn't what it seems when each of them are killed off one by one in freak 'accidents' - are there supernatural forces at work? or is it all a murderous plot cooked up by one of the bad kids? - one thing's for sure; daddy's money can't save them now.
Here is the new trailer:
The film stars Stargate's Ben Browder, Judd Nelson, Ali Faulkner, Cameron Deane Stewart, Amanda Alch, Chanel Ryan. Release date is unknown, but it should be sometime in 2012.