A QUIET PLACE: DAY ONE Is Being Hailed As The Best Movie Of The Franchise In Highly Positive First Reactions

A QUIET PLACE: DAY ONE Is Being Hailed As The Best Movie Of The Franchise In Highly Positive First Reactions

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NOSFERATU: Unsettling First Trailer For Robert Eggers' Horror Remake Officially Released

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LucasMend - 2/25/2012, 11:07 AM
Cool, seems pretty interesting, But I will wait for the dvd
eleven59 - 2/25/2012, 11:11 AM
@Ironman... yeah after seeing that pic, that got me thinking too... at least on looks
valeriesghost - 2/25/2012, 11:41 AM
Cusak as Poe? Hmmm, interesting concept for a movie though, i'll have to check it out.

@ironman53, Cusak would make a pretty good strange IMHO. and i'm usually under the influence when on here myself ;)Nothing makes for a better afternoon then my pipe and a bunch of MOS/Avengers/TASM news :D
golden123 - 2/25/2012, 11:52 AM
@PunkVigilante: Please, tell me you are not american!
golden123 - 2/25/2012, 11:59 AM
I've always thought Edgar Allan Poe looked like John Wilkes Booth. Just a thought. Not sure if I will see this movie, though.
valeriesghost - 2/25/2012, 12:00 PM
@ironman, lol, are you kidding? i make it a point to ride the waves when i go to the theater, it makes the movie and the popcorn that much better :D

GreyChaos13Zero - 2/25/2012, 12:07 PM
I don't see him as Dr. Strange, to skinny. if he changed his diet and worked out maybe then ?)
ecksmanfan - 2/25/2012, 1:29 PM
I believe Shaman said it best the other day: McTeigue needs to get his hands on a Batman movie!
ecksmanfan - 2/25/2012, 1:30 PM
@grey- Cusak slimmed down for this role if I remember correctly, as Poe was a smaller, squirrley guy
ecksmanfan - 2/25/2012, 1:37 PM
I was actually hoping Mcteigue would get hired for the Superman reboot. He's got a particular style that is similar to Snyder's but toned down a few notches. He utilizes slo-mo scenes with out it being overly stylized like Snyder. But I think that could work for a Batman flick too
ecksmanfan - 2/25/2012, 1:45 PM
I don't think it will be right away, but maybe 3-4 year before it goes into production. After the disastrous results of Green Lantern (budget vs. box office take), I'd be surprised if the went for a JLA flick. And with Snyder's Superman not being tied to any JLA universe, that only furthers the idea that a film-verse is done. But I strongly believe that DC/WB won't wait too long to keep cashing in on the Batman franchise
ecksmanfan - 2/25/2012, 1:49 PM
With the eckseption of Sucker Punch, I have too. I look forward to seeing a slo-mo uppercut from the Man of Steel!
SotNatt - 2/25/2012, 2:36 PM
IwasGroot - 2/25/2012, 2:54 PM
I'm in a bind here. I like Cusack a lot, and I'm a huge fan of Poe's writings, but this movie doesn't look at all good to me! The biggest oversight being that Poe's works were not even popular until well after his death! He was pretty much a total failure during his life from a publishing standpoint, and mostly wrote to indulge himself, and way ahead of his time! Most people didn't understand his sense of irony, suspense or his flare for the macabre, so they weren't exactly flocking to read his material! This movie just feels like a huge step backward in the story of Poe's life. At least Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter uses historical accuracy while adding in fictional information! This just seems like some weird studio brainstorming gone awry.
CherryBomb - 2/25/2012, 3:17 PM
This looks pretty good actually!

Alice Eve and Luke Evans ... that's all I need! I'm definitely seeing this. <3
TheNameIsBetty - 2/25/2012, 5:23 PM
Looks pretty damn awesome.

@TheSpiderAssassin - Yes. Excellent film, with a deep meaning behind it
headlopper - 2/25/2012, 6:09 PM
Sherlock Holmes rip-off.

Did anybody catch the homage to Poe's short story "The Tell-Tale Heart"?
RyanLantern77 - 2/25/2012, 8:38 PM
Que terrible
CherryBomb - 2/26/2012, 3:43 AM
I think this may be even better than Sherlock.
I love the whole 'Dark Detective' - whodunnit stories.
Sherlock Holmes the movie focused too much on comedy and fighting and not enough on the detective side of things.
smithonator - 2/26/2012, 10:50 AM
@CherryBomb- I agree. Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows was not a detective story let alone clever. However, this movie does appear to be promising.
Philossus - 2/27/2012, 12:25 AM
As a fan of Poe's stories, Cusack and Detective stories, I'm stoked as all get out for this.

I'll be waiting giddily for that 'Pit and the Pendulum' scene, and hoping that 'Casque of Amontillado' is referred to, or is the influence for one of the murders.
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