When the surprise Ghostbusters sequel was announced earlier this year, fans of the property were generally curious of what it would offer. The reboot, which would follow the continuity of the first two films, is in the hands of Jason Reitman, taking the reins from his father Ivan Reitman, who started the franchise in 1984. With the core cast of the classic possibly returning with a major presence, fans have several reasons to be excited for the Summer 2020 film.
Recently, many have come out to confront Universal for ignoring the 2016 iteration entirely and throwing it away for another reboot, including star Leslie Jones. Unlike her co-star, Melissa McCarthy, who portrays Abby Yates, has nothing but excitement for the film.
I'm for anybody who's making movies. I talked to Jason about it, he's just always had this idea, and his goes back to the world where the guys did exist and I'm like, 'I want to see that.' I'm all for it. I say like, 'Tell the story.'
Even Paul Feig, director of the Wiig-McKinnon film, has shown outpouring support for the upcoming film. Reitman, also went on to praise Answer The Call, having to clarify his comments that other fans misinterpreted as shade towards Feig's iteration. One thing is for sure, both filmmakers are definitive class acts.