The early 2000s saw a slew of disappointing third movie entries: Jurassic Park III, The Matrix Revolutions, Blade Trinity, and Scream 3. Scream 3 was especially disappointing considering just how good the previous two were. The 3rd film tried to satrize horror movie trilogies, but ended with less than satisfying results. This time around the fun is no longer there; the humor is flat, the characters are paper thin, the kills feel lazy and uninspired, and its final twist cheapens everything that came before it.
The film was so mediocre that it put the franchise on hold for eleven years before they decided to relese another one. While some of the cameos are amusing, Scream 3 just doesn't haven enough stabbing power to reccommend. Full review below:
So what did you think of Scream 3?
Where does it rank in the long list of 3rd horror movie entries?