Don't miss it! This Saturday and Sunday, the ABC Family Channel network will have a two-day take over of the animated Hulk. See the schedule at the link.
Here's a listing of the episodes that will be shown:
Times are (EDT) - Check local listings.
9:30AM "Darkness and Light(Pt.1)"
10:00AM "Darkness and Light(Pt.2)"
10:30AM "Darkness and Light(Pt.3)"
11:00AM - IRON MAN "Hulk Buster"
11:30AM - FANTASTIC FOUR "Nightmare In Green"
9:30AM "Hulk Of A Different Color" (guest starring the She-Hulk!)
10:00AM "They Call Me Mr Fix-It"
10:30AM "HollyWood Rocks"
11:00AM SPIDER-MAN and his AMAZING FRIENDS -"Spidey Goes HollyWood" Spidey, IceMan & Firestar, go to HollyWood to film a movie to pay for poor old Aunt May's mortgage, with Spidey's arch-nemesis Mysterio behind the scenes trying to get rid the Wall-Crawler once and for all by creating a robot Hulk... until the real HULK shows up!!!
11:30AM "Prisoner of the Monster"