This may seem like a fan boy spouting crazy ramblings, but this does need to be brought up...
In the scene where Potts sees Tony being disassembled from the armor you see the still in developing Captain America shield, and you guessed it. How can it be there? This scene takes place where Stark never met up with any SHIELD members or even any hint at him knowing that Rogers is alive. At the end he is met up by Fury and mentions the Avenger Initiative, however he does mention that Stark is part of a bigger world now.
Faverau did establish the timeline that Iron man is first then comes Incredible Hulk, where Stark mentions the project super soldier serum was "put on ice" but his way of saying is to still debatable if he means Rogers in the Ice or the serum in the cryo chamber.
Also theres no mention of him knowing about Rogers or the project is never mentioned at all during the film, we can assume that they will develop that further in the sequel. We know he builds it by why at this time, when he's just beginning to become a hero, so why build it, unless it was gonna be part of something else for him or just spare parts. Let me hear what you guys say. Do you agree with me or think I'm thinking too much about it