There were two previous subsidiaries of Stark Industries revealed, AccuTech Research & Development, which has plans to premiere a breakthrough in anthropo-robotics — the new HazTech robotic exoskeleton. And the other, Cordco, with a focus on “Science serving people serving science.”
Now comes the final, Fujikawa, also a subsidiary to Stark Industries, with on focus on a product being called the "Stark Hud 2020".
It's interesting that all these products from Stark Industries to be featured at The Stark Expo, all involve something that Tony Stark's Iron Man armor has fully equipped.
And now the video presenting the Stark Hud 2020 focused in Japan.
-I wonder what factor this may have on a character from the Marvel Universe, named Rumiko Fujikawa. She was a former love interest for Tony Stark, and the daughter of Kenjiro Fujikawa, the man who took over Stark's company when he was in the Heroes Reborn universe.
Maybe there may be a nod to the character in the third installment of the franchise, or maybe the upcoming sequel. Time will tell, as we approach the release of Iron Man 2 May 7th.