Bill Murray missed out on a chance to be part of the Marvel cinematic universe when in 2008 both Robert Downey Jr. and Jon Favreau wanted to cast him in
Iron Man as an undisclosed character. However, neither could find him.
Writer Scott Raab interviewed the actor for the new issue of Esquire. "Downey told me: ‘We wanted Bill to consider a role in Iron Man, but nobody could find him,’" Raab told Murray. "Show people are awestruck by your inaccessibility."
"I’m not trying to be coy," the actor replied. "It’s just practical for me. When the phone started ringing too many times, I had to take it back to what I can handle. I take my chances on a job or a person as opposed to a situation. I don’t like to have a situation placed over my head."
Someone should tell Mr. Murray that he's under no obligation to take a role and therefore shouldn't feel cornered when one is offered. RDJ should've just checked the Piermont bakery in NY if he wanted to find Bill Murray. I used to see Dr. Venkman there just about every morning with a depressed look upon his face.