Disney's live-action John Carter of Mars movie adaptation of the classic book series by Edgar Rice Burroughs was originally scheduled to begin shooting in November, but the date has been pushed back to an early 2010 start. It is still unclear why the film was delayed, but apparently the casting process is still incomplete. SpoilerTV recently listed this new casting call sheet for John Carter of Mars:

Synopsis: A damaged civil war veteran finds himself mysteriously transported to Mars where his involvements with warring races of the dying planet force him to rediscover his humanity.
[STABLE BOY] 9 yrs old, Mestizo – a mixture of European and Native American or Mexican decent, no lines, 1 scene
[DIX] The storekeeper, 40’s – 50’s, built like a lumberjack/longshoreman, strong & husky, 5 lines, 1 scene
[1ST ROWDY] Late 20’s – early 30’s, rough and dirty, worn looking, 1 line, 1 scene
[2ND ROWDY] Late 20’s – early 30’s, rough and dirty, worn looking, 1 line, 1 scene
[CAVALRYMAN/SERGEANT] Early 30’s, clean cut, 2 lines, 1 scene
[US STOCKADE PRISON GUARD] Mid 20’s – early 30’s, clean cut, 4 lines, 2 scenes
[APACHE LEADER] 40’s - 60s, Native American, must speak Apache, wise and experienced with a weathered face. Multiple lines, 1 scene
[TWITCHY CORPORAL] 20’s - 30s, a shifty bad guy, not to be trusted. 1 line, 1 scene.
[YOUNG THARK WARRIOR] 20’S, tall (6’ PLUS), athletic, experience working on stilts, MOTION PICTURE CAPTURE ROLE
John Carter of Mars features
Taylor Kitsch as John Carter,
Lynn Collins as the Martian princess Dejah Thoris, and Academy Award-nominated actor
Willem Dafoe, Samantha Morton, Dominic West, and
Polly Walker in starring roles.
John Carter of Mars will be released in 2012