Following an impressive fan-poster, YouTuber UltraSargent has edited together footage from the various DC films, TV shows and trailers to create this pretty damn awesome trailer for a fictional Crisis On Infinite Earths film. The Multiverse has been introduced on The Flash, after all...
A spectacular and original novel based on the epic comics series that forever changed the universe of Superman and Batman by the man who created the original tale! Trapped in a timeless limbo, Barry Allen, the Flash, can only watch in silent and helpless horror as, one by one, countless universes fade from existence in order to feed the insatiable need for power of the Anti-Monitor, a being from the anti-matter universe of Qward. Under the guidance of the Monitor, his benevolent opposite, the super-heroes and villains of all realities are brought together for a last, desperate stand against the forces that promise the literal end of all existence.