A few days ago I saw an article on CBM about Dawn of Justice and how Snyder (or one of the producers... I can't remember, I JUST GOT OFF WORK!) Stated that there will be some form of the Justice League by the end of Dawn of Justice hence DAWN OF FLIPPING JUSTICE.
Anyhoot, let's assume that Scoot is Wally West THE FLASH and we now have Batman, Superman, The Flash, Wonder Woman, Cyborg... and maybe a Green Latern tease at LEAST? I believe/hope to god from my own writing experience and multiple viewings of Man of Steel that Dawn of Justice follows the route that the 2011 action hit FAST FIVE followed.
Superman is the Dominic Toretto, brash and perhaps... overpowered?
Batman is the Hobbes (The ROCK!), powerful in his own right, smart and unwilling to give up at anything.
If this does play out then Lex Luthor would basically fit the same role as the villian in Fast Five. Perhaps he is only antagonising Superman who is desperately trying to counteract him while also dealing with Batman popping up and telling him to "sod off of Earth" in no uncertain terms. I truely do hope this plays out akin to Fast Five where the other Justice League characters slowly pop up as the world learns about Kal-El. Then as Batman and Superman duke it out, the two realize they can't really stop each other (or Batman beats him to hell...) and Lex Luthor is a bigger threat than each other. Perhaps they manage to cobble together a response with Wonder Woman, Flash and perhaps Cyborg to stop Luthor's dirty work guy (Metallo? Beefed up with Kryptonian tech and battle armor?) Then after the end they all realize that together they can accomplish far more than apart. This launches the idea of the JUSTICE LEAGUE!
Personally that'd be a great ending with the characters coming TOGETHER rather than going their seperate ways. Basically the opposite of The Avengers films. It could be an interesting twist if at the start of JUSTICE LEAGUE the movie, the team is basically already established and they can jump right in without having to build up to the full formation. Maybe Green Lantern joins after witnessing their exploits at the beginning of JUSTICE LEAGUE or the end of DAWN OF JUSTICE.
Anyhoot, just a thought. Sound off below!