Quick story time. It was about more than a year ago in about May. The Avengers had just came out and I was an ecstatic Marvel Fan-boy and I was so happy. At the time there were just about 100 articles floating around on how DC should do a Justice League movie. One thing I commonly saw was that many articles believed the movie should be based on the first volume of Geoff Johns' New 52 run. Now whether you believe that or not is not of importance, the fact is it left an impression on me. I was never a big DC guy and I decided it would be fun to check it out, especially when it showed something really weird. In the article was this picture.

They said that the run had made Aquaman cool. I was in shock. 1) I'd heard all the jokes and I thought Aquaman was as ridiculous as anything else and 2)that picture stuck with me and pushed my interest over the brink. I instantly bought the first 6 issues on my DC app on my phone. I read through the storyline and I loved it. Batman and Green Lantern vs Superman, The Flash spinning Superman around, Wonder Woman's ice cream, the whole bit! The part that I really loved though was Aquaman's introduction in #4(well, last page #3 but you know) and he stood out as one of the coolest and most bad@$$ members of the group. His first line alone, "...Who's in charge here? I vote me." was one of the coolest things I've ever seen! This wolverine looking guy rises out of the water, impales a parademon, and then bosses Superman and Batman around? How could you not love the guy!?

That story, regardless of what you may think of the New 52 and it's quality, really got me into DC, I now prefer it to Marvel actually. I read stories all the time! I'm now a big Animal Man and Swamp Thing fan as well! Pre-N52 and Post-N52 and I found that Aquaman struck me as one of the more noble characters of the whole universe and the one who had the most interesting storylines. Hence my name I thought he was the best and have tried to convince others of it as well. I'm one of the best Aquaman players online in Injustice and now own 4 of his #1 issues (and 2 #0's)!
Now as from my last article you saw (if you saw) I was against the change and explained why it was a poor choice on DC's behalf. The sad part however is that no matter how many people hate the change or otherwise it is way too late to change it now and even though the Aquaman movie probably won't be released until early 2015 it's ok. Here is why. Note: These first two I can agree with but I think what could happen in the third thing I list is what will make this the most worthwhile.
SHAZAM(Captain Marvel) Needs the Exposure
Now this is the point I have contested with the most but I can concede a little to it. Aquaman may be a joke to most but the fact is people do know the name, very well. Captain Marvel, however, does not have instant name recognition as some. He has never been a tier 1 player in DC. IMO Captain Marvel has nothing to prove, but he does need to be known. I like the character and find the concept interesting. A boy that turns into a superhero and seeing him try to handle his own power is not something you see everyday and a reason I don't see him as just another superman. Shazam adds a little bit of uncertainty I guess, you never know how a boy will react in a situation that other heroes view as nothing major. After all he is just a child in there and could isn't mature enough to always use his powers responsibly and safely. His New 52 run is OK and it's basically just as I would have imagined Billy Batson behaving, with the powers that is.
Does he need to get his name out? Yes, but I feel he has very little he needs to prove unlike Aquaman.
The Aquaman Movie
At NYCC '13 the movie was confirmed and will presumably be the next film out after the next two batman films(two MORE batman films? Thank god! we don't have enough already! XD). Now even though I believe Arthur deserves to be a founder of the Justice League I suppose we're trying something different here. The take will probably be loosely based on a N52 storyline, probably either The Trench or The Others, or even a combination of the two. If DC is planning on doing an animated universe and a Throne of Atlantis movie is on the horizon then this would be a crucial lead in the the film. Now if an hour and a half of pure Aquaman action doesn't thrill you IDK what will. The scenic views of an underwtaer universe and the potential for great scenes from the battle in the Trench to the Others teaming up to fight Manta. Aquaman has been in 3 movies, probably appearing on screen for less than half an hour altogether. So this movie would help make up for it screen-time wise, as long as the story delivers as well it should be a fun ride. This film has the potential to be one of the coolest DC films out there showing battles between Arthur and Black Manta, some Mera "Waterbending" if you will, and hopefully some more shark scenes. It also has the potential to completely make up for his absence in war. It will be worth the wait and will make up for the losses in JL: War. Oh and these scenes better be in it...

The Potential of Justice League: Throne of Atlantis
Now this is pure speculation but it is what gives us hope. If the Aquaman movie is a lead up to JL: TOA then the movie would be started a little differently. We are now in the awkward position where in Aquaman is not a founder of the JL and therefore isn't just going to pop up and warn Batman like a friend. The chances are Aquaman will not try to warn the JL, without knowing them personally he'll probably try to stop Orm himself, as he is always kind of a loner like that. He will not be sucessful and Orm will flood the cities killing thousands. Now, as long as I'm in full speculation mode, let's assume the JL comes to battle Orm at Boston as he demands to speak to those in charge. The Justice League finds out why Orm did what he did and the league decides to fight. They are about to attack Orm when at the last second Aquaman jumps out and stops the league, still thinking he can talk to Orm. In trying to prevent a war Aquaman becomes the league's new target. In a moment that kinda happened in the original story it will be Aquaman vs the League. This could be the best thing that could ever happen to Aquaman!

Think about it! A laughingstock right? Completely worthless? What happens if audiences see Aquaman...taking down the whole Justice League!? We already saw him take on Wonder Woman in Flashpont(not to mention the Flash, Cyborg, and Batman all at the same time)so what happens when they show him fighting and mopping the floor with them?
It reminds me of in the Avengers EMHs series where, before Black Panther, Captain America, and Vision joined the team they made a point to actually take down every single member of the team beforehand! What better way for him to prove himself then to show him at his best!? Aquaman leaves the team weakened and ORm doesn't negotiate and sends them to the black waters where they are forced to work as a team to get out and the story goes on and ends like we know. This is my dream, the only way I can see DC justifying what they've done. It is what I'm ready to accept.
Disappointed as I was I mustn't be that greedy little child who wants everything. I'm willing to give Shazam this one thing. You can have this, but we are taking our Aquaman movie and eventually our JL: TOA movie! This could offer up one of the coolest Aquaman scenes ever and finally make people see how amazing he actually is. Good things come to those who wait and for the first time ever it looks like Aquaman fans' wait will soon be ending! With a live action movie looking likely for DCCU's phase one as well, things are finally looking up for the king of the seven seas. Aquaman has seen more $#*+ than any other character, ever, but it will all pay off in the end and soon he will receive a king's bounty and finally the respect he deserves.