Earth-616 Or Earth-199999? The Marvel Cinematic Universe Finally Has An Official Designation

Earth-616 Or Earth-199999? The Marvel Cinematic Universe Finally Has An Official Designation

There's been a great deal of confusion surrounding how the MCU's Earth should be referred to, but is it Earth-616, Earth-199999, or something else altogether? Well, we finally have an official answer...

By JoshWilding - Oct 31, 2023 10:10 AM EST
Filed Under: Marvel Studios
Source: Screen Rant

Over the years it's become commonplace for different realities in the Marvel Universe to receive numerical designations. For example, the main comic book reality we see in the vast majority of Marvel Comics titles each month is known as Earth-616.

When Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness was released, though, there was some confusion surrounding the revelation the Marvel Cinematic Universe is also "Earth-616." The obvious explanation is that what happens on the page is completely separate from the movies and Marvel Studios wanted to pay homage to those by choosing the 616 designation.

However, when Spider-Man 2099 mentioned the MCU in Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse, he called it "Earth-199999."

It was likely a reference to an Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z: Vol. 5 released in 2008 which designated the MCU as Earth-19999 (no, that's not a typo; Miguel O'Hara added an extra 9). It's a decision we'd bet wasn't made by Marvel Studios and, instead, was probably a Marvel Entertainment/Creative Committee call. 

Earlier this month, Marvel Studios released The Marvel Cinematic Universe: An Official Timeline, a book which sets out to make sense of the MCU's timeline. With that comes confirmation it is indeed Earth-616, something Miss Minutes herself confirms. 

"I'm Miss Minutes," she says in the book's opening, "and welcome to the guidebook on the beings and events that make up the universe known as 616, also known as the Sacred Timeline."

Marvel Studios may have first made this official in the Doctor Strange sequel, but it was Thor character Erik Selvig who first teased 616 back in Phase 1 when the words "616 Universe" were spotted written and underlined on his chalkboard. Remember, Mysterio also called it Earth-616 in Spider-Man: No Way Home, a moment which raises some big questions. 

As he wasn't really from another reality (unless he was and just pretended to have a grudge against Tony Stark to manipulate his ex-employees), we're still not sure how Quentin Beck knew that. It may have been a lucky guess or a hint he'll return to target Spidey again in the not-too-distant future. 

So, there you have it, the MCU is officially Earth-616. You can pick holes in the decision, but it's what Marvel Studios has gone for and will likely stick until this franchise is rebooted post-Avengers: Secret Wars

How do you feel about this decision? As always, let us know your thoughts in the comments section below. 

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J0HNS0N - 10/31/2023, 10:12 AM
If they were going to change it, they should have just changed it to something more simple. GA wouldn't know the difference and comic fans don't care for it.
Chewtoy - 10/31/2023, 2:16 PM
@J0HNS0N - Yeah, this doesn’t really bother me in any real way, but it would have been fun for fans to give it its own meaningful number. The 19999-whatever one sucks (seriously… why?), but they could have gone with 919, or three digits related to the release date of Iron Man, or something.

And if any of those 3-digit numbers are already taken, so what…. The only one that fans care about is 616.
GhostDog - 10/31/2023, 10:12 AM
Why can't they just accept 616 is the comics?
bkmeijer1 - 10/31/2023, 10:16 AM
@GhostDog - I'm wondering the same thing. I'll just keep referring to it as MCU-616
Magus - 10/31/2023, 10:44 AM
@GhostDog - There is a simple answer.

In Secret Wars the entire multiverse is destroyed and in the end it is rebooted. If the MCU is 19999 that implies it exists in the same multiverse as the comics. That means when Secret Wars happens it would need to reboot the comics also.

By designating the MCU 616 it implies that this is a different multiverse from the comics, thus sparing a reboot during Secret Wars.

Al Ewings Ultimates and Defenders comics have explained that the comics are currently in the 8th Multiverse, with each multiverse going further in the creative process. Early multiverses consisted of just archetypes or even contrast in the earliest. This set up the idea that the movies are a step further in the creative process than the comics, meaning the MCU is likely Marvel Multiverse 9+.

This is the answer. It is actually well thought out and in line with the comics continuity.
bobevanz - 10/31/2023, 10:54 AM
@Magus - except it should be the other way around. Why not reboot for "the sacred timeline"? After Secret Wars they absolutely should call it 616. Adding mutants and F4 will truly make it the sacred timeline because they'll basically have everyone at that point.

This is the real answer. It's still 199999 until after Secret Wars
Magus - 10/31/2023, 11:07 AM
@bobevanz - The comics that designated it 19999 aren't even in continuity with the MCU and are filled with errors. They were just shitty Perlmutter cash grabs.

Al Ewing set up this framework in the comics after Secret Wars because it didn't make sense that the comics killed the entire multiverse but the movies, cartoons and video games were not affected. This is the only answer that makes sense and was done in a brilliant way to set up the entire future of multi-media Marvel continuity.

The MCU even set this up way back in Phase 2's Thor the Dark World when Selvig drew his diagram of the universe labeling the MCU 616. Just because you have decided to not like the MCU doesn't mean you can hand wave all of this away.
mastakilla39 - 10/31/2023, 1:09 PM
@GhostDog - the comics are now a reflection of the movies not the other way around unlike the good ol days and thats probably why they want to change it.
Himura - 10/31/2023, 6:21 PM
@Magus - We have very different definitions of "simple"
NoAssemblyReqd - 10/31/2023, 10:14 AM
Very confusing, but in-universe I’d chalk it up to some universes thinking that *they* are the real 616.

It’s all about POV, perhaps.
J0HNS0N - 10/31/2023, 10:17 AM
@NoAssemblyReqd - That's what I have thought since this discussion came up. 616 is the "main" universes, and many universes consider themselves the main universe. There's bound to be a breakdown in consistency over the multiverse.
DrReedRichards - 10/31/2023, 10:16 AM
Lol, f#ck you.

Wanna call it 199999-616, that's fine. But raw 616 is the OG source material. You know, same source material you guys used to have some respect for?

JfC, what happened...
J0HNS0N - 10/31/2023, 10:20 AM
@DrReedRichards - It's like an easter egg for no one. Those who would get it wouldn't like it.
DrReedRichards - 10/31/2023, 10:21 AM
@J0HNS0N -

That... is actually painfully accurate. Well said.
TheVisionary25 - 10/31/2023, 10:29 AM
@DrReedRichards - i feel the respect is still there but the MCU has become it’s own thing at this point with it’s own continuity and canon so they tend to inspired by the comics to varying extents rather then be inflicted by them now.

I’m fine with it , changes can be fun
DrReedRichards - 10/31/2023, 10:36 AM
@TheVisionary25 -

I'm fine with changes, but not so much with retcons, especially when they affect the source material.

After 2012, almost every cartoon adaptation had Tony instead of Steve act as the Avengers' leader. After 2014, Nebula has been cyberized in canon to match the movie's design. After 2018, they even tried to discard Thanos' obsession with Death and force a romance between him annd Hela instead.

Lest we forget of course the more blatant examples like the discontinuation of F4 issues, the attempt to replace the X-Men with the Inhumanns via whatever mutant virus, and the retcon of Wanda and Pietro as not Erik's children.

These are all examples of trying to establish the more popular version (ie movies over comics) as the new canon.
TheVisionary25 - 10/31/2023, 10:38 AM
@DrReedRichards - I definitely agree with you there
Toonstrack - 10/31/2023, 4:12 PM
@DrReedRichards - they've been making chances to comic characters to match the movies for like 30 years. They did it with blade and they did it with bullseye too. Thats not an MCU thing. Thats a marvel capitalizing on popular media thing.

And it doesn't stop with marvel. BTAS had a bigger effect on the DC universe than any comic storyline with entire characters introduced and rewritten to match that.
DrReedRichards - 10/31/2023, 5:42 PM
@Toonstrack -

I totally get where you're coming from with BTAS, but I feel like that series is isolated enough in Batman's lore exclusively to be be an issue for the greater DC universe. Not only that, but I also feel that with it being part of the early 90's it makes it a lot more tolerable as a classic, and not just a piece of modern retcon.
vectorsigma - 10/31/2023, 10:18 AM
So how many more pages from that damn book will an article come out from josh? 😭
Evansly - 10/31/2023, 11:10 AM
@vectorsigma - Well, how many pages is the book?
BlackStar25 - 10/31/2023, 10:19 AM
Who gives a [frick]. Give it whatever number you want. GA wont care anyway. Only the hardcore sweaties care...

Matchesz - 10/31/2023, 10:26 AM
If they’re going to call it 616 they could at least show some respect for the 616 comic books…
TheVisionary25 - 10/31/2023, 10:27 AM
Earth 616 is the comics , MCU is Earth 19999… that’s my headcanon and I don’t accept anything else lol.

It’s ok if the MCU isn’t the main thing all the time Kevin , it’s fine.

It’s a vast Multiverse and the MCU is only a part of it.
Magus - 10/31/2023, 10:52 AM
@TheVisionary25 - This is actually inline with and set up by the comics. I posted this earlier in here:

"There is a simple answer.

In Secret Wars the entire multiverse is destroyed and in the end it is rebooted. If the MCU is 19999 that implies it exists in the same multiverse as the comics. That means when Secret Wars happens it would need to reboot the comics also.

By designating the MCU 616 it implies that this is a different multiverse from the comics, thus sparing a reboot during Secret Wars.

Al Ewings Ultimates and Defenders comics have explained that the comics are currently in the 8th Multiverse, with each multiverse going further in the creative process. Early multiverses consisted of just archetypes or even contrast in the earliest. This set up the idea that the movies are a step further in the creative process than the comics, meaning the MCU is likely Marvel Multiverse 9+.

This is the answer. It is actually well thought out and in line with the comics continuity."
RolandD - 10/31/2023, 10:28 AM
No one here is going to need to buy the official timeline book because Josh is going to do an article on everything in the book.
JoshWilding - 10/31/2023, 10:36 AM
@RolandD - Yeah, to be honest, I mostly just shared this news to give you something else to complain about. Glad to have been of service!

Reeds2Much - 10/31/2023, 10:34 AM
It wasn't even particularly 616-y when Phase 1 began, and it certainly isn't 616 now that it has fully deviated into it's own story/timeline.
Origame - 10/31/2023, 10:35 AM
"Yeah but marvel studios didn't approve earth 19999"

Yeah, but marvel comics didn't approve calling it 616 either.

It's such a baffling change. Even if you want something easier than 19999 then at least choose something other than the main comics universe designation.

The whole point of these designations is to make it clear what f@#$ing universe you're talking about. Saying 616 before was clear, the main comics universe. Now when saying 616 you gotta either specify comics 616 or just flat out ignore feige here and call the mcu 19999.
MrDandy - 10/31/2023, 10:37 AM
The whole point of number designations is to distinguish the different timelines. Kind of defeats the purpose when multiple timelines have the same number lol.
FireandBlood - 10/31/2023, 10:40 AM
They can call it Earth-616 all they want, it ain’t no 616, and no Hugh Jackman or Tom Holland is ‘prime’ anything either. That would be the real 616 characters from the mf page.
DrReedRichards - 10/31/2023, 10:49 AM
@FireandBlood -

marvel72 - 10/31/2023, 11:26 AM
@FireandBlood -

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