Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg, better known as YouTube sensation Pewdiepie, has been speaking his mind on a lot of popular things lately. First he slammed "grown gamers" for hyping up the upcoming Super Smash Bros., then he bashed Fortnite & it's fanbase, & now, it looks like he's joining in on the "I Hate Marvel" bandwagon with his "I DON'T LIKE MARVEL MOVIES" video.
Now, while he does make some good points, I think we can all agree that he completely misses the point on the idolzing superhero part. We don't idolize them for their powers,
we look up to them because they represent the type of people that we all strive to be everyday: heroes in our own right.
Also, if you've seen a Pewdiepie video or two, then you'll know that this whole argument is pretty hypocritical in the fact that content is continually released with the exact same business model to make money. In Pewd's case,
uploading cringy meme videos & basically letting his rabid 62 million subscribers do his work for him.
Do you agree with his argument? Let us know down in the usual spot!