Signing up to star in John Wick proved to be a game-changer for Keanu Reeves' career, and we're still waiting to see if the actor will eventually choose to join the Marvel or DC Universes.
There have been rumblings about him being eyed for roles in both worlds, though nothing has come of those rumors. Whether it was just wishful thinking on the part of online "scoopers" or Reeves simply isn't a fan of the genre is unknown, but you have to believe it could happen in the not too distant future.
Anyway, that might explain why some fans got so excited by a Tweet sent out by the Marvel UK account today. They praised the actor's career resurgence and wished him a happy 57th birthday - a strange decision when he has zero ties with Marvel Studios or the company in general. Before you get too carried away wondering what this might mean, there is more than likely a simple explanation.
Chances are a PR company runs the Marvel UK Twitter on Disney's behalf, and as the Tweet has now been deleted, it was probably just sent out on the wrong account via a platform like TweetDeck.
Hopefully, that poor intern won't get in too much trouble!