THE MARVEL CINEMATIC UNIVERSE: AN OFFICIAL TIMELINE Trailer Promises To Finally Make Sense Of The Franchise

THE MARVEL CINEMATIC UNIVERSE: AN OFFICIAL TIMELINE Trailer Promises To Finally Make Sense Of The Franchise THE MARVEL CINEMATIC UNIVERSE: AN OFFICIAL TIMELINE Trailer Promises To Finally Make Sense Of The Franchise

This October, a new book - titled The Marvel Cinematic Universe: An Official Timeline - will set out to finally make sense of the MCU. Now, we have a trailer offering a glimpse at what we can expect...

By JoshWilding - Aug 29, 2023 07:08 AM EST
Filed Under: Marvel Studios

We've known for some time that Marvel Studios will soon release The Marvel Cinematic Universe: An Official Timeline, and we now have a trailer for the upcoming book.

Set for release on October 24, we're hoping this is finally going to make sense of how the MCU fits together. The Infinity Saga was pretty easy to follow, but when it comes to the Multiverse Saga, fans have only had the order newer movies and TV shows are listed in on Disney+ to go by. 

The book is described as, "a stunning visual guide created in collaboration with Marvel Studios by DK...will be the go-to resource for fans who are hoping to connect the dots and truly understand the complex web of interconnections between the various Marvel Studios films and streaming series."

The Marvel Cinematic Universe: An Official Timeline was co-written by authors and journalists Anthony Breznican, Rebecca Theodore-Vachon, and Amy Ratcliffe, and we're guessing future editions will be updated as more movies and TV shows are released.

"So much has happened in our films and series," Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige says in the video below. "That's why it's so exciting to have The Marvel Cinematic Universe: An Official Timeline."

Theodore-Vachon adds, "There’s a lot of story in the MCU. It’s very complex, very interconnected. We covered so many storylines, so many characters, so many different worlds. This book has everything."

We're intrigued to see what new intel is revealed in this book or whether it simply recycles information the majority of hardcore fans already know. 

Check out the trailer for The Marvel Cinematic Universe: An Official Timeline below.

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FireandBlood - 8/29/2023, 7:37 AM
It already makes sense. Easiest franchise to follow tbh, especially considering how much of it there is
Urubrodi - 8/29/2023, 7:41 AM
@PlusUltra - Agreed, it never stopped making sense, I guess the lack of content is forcing Josh to amplify the click bait.
IcePyke - 8/29/2023, 7:43 AM
Urubrodi - 8/29/2023, 7:46 AM
@IcePyke - So did you expect that after so many movies and tv shows there would be no mistakes in the continuity?
OrgasmicPotatoe - 8/29/2023, 10:59 AM
@IcePyke - My thoughts exactly. Hopefully they make sense of it, or retcons it altogether.
KingLeonidas - 8/29/2023, 8:01 AM
if you need to read a book to follow your franchise, then you have failed.
FireandBlood - 8/29/2023, 8:05 AM
@KingLeonidas - You don’t. A lot of people are just slow.
WhatIfRickJames - 8/29/2023, 8:12 AM
@KingLeonidas - if producing so much content that it makes billions of dollars and requires the need to publish a book to aggregate all of the multitudinous story lines for current and future fans to refer back to then I want to fail as well
Origame - 8/29/2023, 8:10 AM
Really goes to show how much phases 4 and 5 f@#$ed everything up they need this to clear things up 🤣
CLTMAN29 - 8/29/2023, 8:32 AM
I doubt this will clear anything up given Marvel still claim
Black Panther is set in 2017. They don’t even know by this point.
HammerLegFoot - 8/29/2023, 9:39 AM
@CLTMAN29 - It doesnt?
RitoRevolto - 8/29/2023, 8:39 AM
There's already free methods online that chart out the timeline very clearly, this isn't necessary. But as it's already been pointed out, the MCU is the easiest to follow.
MarvelousMarty - 8/29/2023, 9:21 AM
I thought it all ended with Endgame?
Razorface1 - 8/29/2023, 1:56 PM
@MarvelousMarty - everyone be kind to this man, he was just unfrozen.
The1st - 8/29/2023, 2:16 PM
@Razorface1 - And he's late for a dance.
Inktown03 - 8/29/2023, 9:22 AM
Shameless cash grab
Order66 - 8/29/2023, 10:09 AM
For the digital releases they should have fixed the homecoming issue. I don’t understand why they haven’t done it yet.
String - 8/29/2023, 1:26 PM
@Order66 - I suppose we would have to ask SONY since it was their movie, not Marvel Studios'. I believe the Russo Brothers already cleared it up on the Marvel Studios side through interviews during Infinity War/Endgame, that Homecoming placard was a SONY studio mess-up. Disney can't do anything to fix it even with the movie appearing on Disney+. If Disney had that power, they would, like fixing the Statue of Liberty continuity error between No Way Home and Ms. Marvel. It seems SONY doesn't care about mistakes in the MCU timeline as much as Marvel Studios is.
eagc1995 - 8/29/2023, 1:28 PM
@Order66 - Cause that decision is up to Sony, you expect Sony to care?
tb86 - 8/29/2023, 11:41 AM
Will it answer whether or not the pre WandaVision shows are canon or not?
Will The Incredible Hulk and the Spider-Man movies be included?
eagc1995 - 8/29/2023, 1:30 PM
@tb86 - Hulk is included as there are preview pages that show pics for TIH.

I highly doubt they'll adress the Jeph Loeb stuff, maaaaaaaybe Agent Carter but that would be it.
String - 8/29/2023, 1:35 PM
@tb86 - Incredible Hulk will likely be referenced as canon, it's a Marvel Studios film. Regarding Spider-Man films not produced by Marvel Studios, it will depend on if SONY allows Disney to reference Tobey's & Andrew's films as canon.

I doubt any Marvel Television series will be referenced as MCU canon, except Agent Carter Season 1 since Kevin Feige is listed as executive producer, Louis D'Esposito directed the pilot and the writers of the Captain America franchise worked on that season.
Shmokey20 - 8/29/2023, 12:30 PM
Geekritique on YouTube has the best MCU timeline order with explanations and fixtures for all the events in the MCU, and even connects the TV shows from Netflix, ABC & Hulu to the official timeline, I can't see anyone doing a better job than him!
AliX - 8/29/2023, 12:41 PM
@Shmokey20 - Oh I love his shit, yeah his timelines are unmatched & it would be quite the task for them to out do his work.
String - 8/29/2023, 1:16 PM
I've never had that much difficulty figuring out the MCU timeline prior to Endgame. But due to the 5-yearjump in that film, all the Phase 4 & 5 projects are questionable. So, it's good to have an official time assigned to all those projects and know where the MCU is currently in time.
tb86 - 8/29/2023, 1:47 PM
The Marvels comes out next month after this book is released. Won’t this book be outdated by then?
ObserverIO - 8/29/2023, 3:17 PM
I hope they retcon the "5 Years Ago" thing in Eternals (same way the retconned the '8 Years Later' thing in Spider-Man: Homecoming).

Eternals should be after most of the things we've already seen (except for She-Hulk of course, the only thing so far to have referenced it).

Also hope this clears up what is and isn't canon and what takes place in what timeline/universe.
soupysales - 8/29/2023, 4:28 PM
i really enjoyed seeing all the clips from all the different shows and movies...say what you will (and lord knows some of ya'll say way too much) but it is an amazing feat...all those shows and movies, characters, storylines...and i have enjoyed every bit of it...even when i didn't care for something...i have totally enjoyed it...and it's pretty cool to have a book with the timeline in it...especially since i don't give a shit or even have a clue what any of the timeline is...i just go back and watch what i want...and enjoy it all over again...some will say "cash grab"...but what on this planet hasn't turned into a cash grab?'s for fans, who want it...i probably won't buy it on release, but later, when it's saving for a hip replacement.

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