With so many monthly boxes out there to choose from, it can be hard to know where to start. Well, has you covered, and you'll definitely want to check these two out as soon as possible...
Like you guys, I'm a massive fan of all things comic book, fantasy, and sci-fi (why else do you think I do this for a living?). When it comes to stocking up on awesome gear related to everything from Doctor Strange to Star Wars, I always go to, and this month, the CBM team will once again be highlighting some cool items we've got our hands on from their awesome range of products.
There are a lot of boxes out there to choose from, but unless you have an unlimited budget, it's impossible to get them all! That's what I love about HeroBox though as it's packed full of products rather than a t-shirt, one item you probably wanted, and a bunch of bits and pieces you never asked for! This one is crammed full of must-have goodies, and they have a great selection of themes.
I struggled with which ones to go with this month, but ultimately settled on two of my favourite heroes - Captain America and Spider-Man! Only $49 each, these are crammed full of official goodies, including t-shirts, kitchenware, stationary, and loads of surprises I won't spoil here! Here's an example: