Net Neutrality is the idea that the internet should... well... Remain the way it is now, free to roam and allow people to have a voice they believe in. But ISP lobbyists believe that the internet should be like a night club, your local internet provider is the bouncer, the internet is the club, and if you wanna get in you have to be either big name-like Netflix- or you have to pay a fee.
What this all means is your favorite mediums like Podcasts, Internet shows, Blogs, Youtube series, and Channels will be limited. What I want is simple; I want us as nerds to ban together to have our voice heard. I find politics boring and well shallow, but this is something I strongly believe in. I know it's not comic book related but I want you guys to join me and fight for net neutrality.
It's simple:
1. Go to the website below.
2. Write an email or even send a phone call (If you do the latter there is a script laid out for you on what to say.)
3. Share the site on Twitter, Facebook, and what have you.
Optional: Donate if you like. (I'd be a liar if I said I did.)
Thanks for reading guys.