Hello CBMers!! This is some more from my sit down with the ever inquisitive Question Man.
BW: So what are your thoughts on the MCU as of now?
QM: What I really would like to know, what happened to General Ross? One minute he's downing Hulk shots and being asked to help form the Avengers, then poof... where'd he go? I'm hoping he's building the Thunderbolts with Blonsky as his first recruit.
BW: Perhaps. What do you think of the Ant-Man casting?
QM: Well seeing as how it didn't get the reaction that Ben got when cast as Batman, it must be good. Aren't all future casting calls going to kind of be anticlimactic after the whole Batfleck? I think Rudd can be to Antman as RDJ is to Iron Man.
BW: Lets hope so. What did you think about the Sandman news?
QM: Looks promising. Sandman has a unique following, Gaiman's I mean of course. However, how awesome would a gas masked Wesley Dodds and Sandy Hawkins film be? All five of us fans would certainly enjoy it, just as long as Goyer stays away.
BW: What do you think about DC's television plans?
QM: I heard about Hourman, although the premise seems odd. If I were running things over there, I would create a 1950s world populated by all their great Golden Age characters. Think about it, Hourman, Dr. Mid-Nite, Spectre, Atom, and Dr. Fate all running around in a 1950s environment.
BW: Looks like no Rogue in DOFP, what do you think?
QM: Obviously Singer had to find more time to showcase Wolverine. This is the Wolverine sequel right? Hopefully Apocalypse will bestow upon us a proper X-Men film.
BW: Joaquin Phoenix for Luthor, good move?
QM: It will do, as long as he gets to scream into Superman's face, "Am I not merciful!!!!" Would like to see Javier Bardem tackle the role, his voice has the perfect timbre for Luthor.
Well thanks for reading as always, this lets me air out some of my ideas. Let me know what you think of some of my thoughts and ideas. Could we see a Thunderbolts movie? Could a 1950s superhero film work? Will Rudd kill it as Antman? What do you think about the loss of Rogue?