The story that began with a simple comic strip:
This story has developed into the fall of a star that used to grace the home page of on a weekly basis just two years ago. Here is a look at how the story has developed this week:
After reports of various celebrities using Twitter to voice their opinions on Shia LaBeouf's latest act of apology for plagiarizing writer Daniel Clowes work back in 2013, Lena Dunham (of HBO's Girls fame) joined the mass with the following Tweet:
This tweet seemed to upset LaBeouf and inspired another apology from the Transformers star in this latest tweet:
He soon after retweeted Dunham's acknowledgment of his apology:
HOWEVER the saga does not stop there, and since this is in fact a very public fall of a celebrity, there had to be a continuos pattern in LaBeouf's behaviour, as the Daily Mail discovered that the Transformers star had indeed plagiarized in his tweet about his drug habit from rapper Gucci Mane's own revelation back in September.
Reported by Daily Mail: It turns out the rapper-actor apologised for his drinking in a tweet posted on September 22 that read: 'I wanna be the first rapper to admit I’m addicted to lean & that sh*t ain’t no joke. I can barely remember all the things I’ve done & said. However there’s no excuse.'
Considering what Mane had went through, and the courage it had taken him to reveal his addiction and apologize to his fans, family and friends, this has been a completely disrespectful act by LaBeouf who's "copy-paste" addiction is belittling what Mane has been through. It seems LaBeouf is doing more harm than good and should definitely seek some external help with his addictions and mental issues.