Fan Boys Unite!
Ever wanted to obtain a Stan Lee-autographed copy of The Amazing Spider-Man No. 1 without putting the house on a second mortgage? Are you missing a few light sabers from your Star Wars Master Replicas display, but can’t compete with the extreme prices on EBay? Fan boys on a limited budget can now rejoice; a newly formed project aims to be the salvation of your collector ambitions.
The very first comic book, video game, fantasy novel, animation, and science fiction trivia game of its kind; Signed by Heroes is under construction and needs your help. Funded through Indiegogo, this new website will allow players to engage in simple and wildly entertaining genre-specific trivia games in order to win awesome prizes. Costing virtually nothing to play, you’ll no longer have to deal with the inflated prices that come with EBay, independent marketplaces, Comic-Con being out of financial reach, or the ridiculous odds that come with penny auctions.
If you’ve ever wanted a piece of creative history and inspiration signed by Stan Lee, William Shatner, Christian Bale or even the late Michael Turner, it’s time to put your degree in Nerdology to good use. DC, Marvel, Star Trek and all the way to Twilight or even My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, every category you could possibly think of will be represented in competition.
For more details, please check out our Indiegogo and Facebook pages. We look forward to seeing you on the battlefield.
Thank You for your Support!
- Signed By Heroes