Why didn't The Dark Knight Trilogy win the title of "The Best Comic Book Movie Trilogy of all Time"? Simple, The Dark Knight Rises was a terrible movie full of plot holes, boring narrative that just crawled by, unimaginative action scenes, and a Batman film that Batman and Bruce Wayne was hardly in. As much as people will defend this movie with their lives, many people were extremely disappointed. I can honestly say I've never been more disappointed in a film. Yes, it beat out Spider-Man 3 as the most disappointed I've ever been in a film.
So if Nolan's trilogy isn't the winner who is? Let's take a look at the candidates.
X-Men Trilogy
Spider-Man Trilogy
Iron Man Trilogy
Blade Trilogy
Superman Quadrilogy (yes it counts)
Batman Quadrilogy (still counts)
But first the runner-up
Blade Trilogy
Much like the Dark Knight, a bad third film keeps this from taking the crown.
And the winner for having the best character development, best action, funniest moments, and all around most entertaining film trilogy is...
With all three films having stories pulled straight from the comics, having loads of laughs and the best action scenes this side of The Avengers the Iron Man Trilogy easily wins the BEST COMIC BOOK TRILOGY OF ALL TIME award. And yes I'm even talking about the third film. I went to go see the third Iron Man in theaters a few days after it came out. After hearing people go on and on about how bad it was and how disappointed they were I went in expecting the worst. I ended up really liking it. So did my wife. It had the best action out of the entire trilogy, it may very well be my favorite Iron Man film. I felt like they wrapped up things pretty well considering they plan on doing more movies with Iron Man. I also think Iron Man 3 was by far the funniest of the trilogy. That was the first time watching it in theaters. I've since sat down and watched my bluray (since I finally got the funds to go out and buy it) and let me tell you...
IT IS EVEN BETTER ON THE SECOND VIEWING!!! I really enjoyed Iron Man 3 the first time, I simply LOVED the movie the second time. Did they ruin the Mandarin? Most certainly. But you know what? I didn't care because it worked in the film. I laughed when he fell asleep, I laughed when Rhodey smacked him in the back of the head, and I was fully entertained the entire time. That's what a movie is suppose to do. And the action! Man the action scenes! Iron Man 3 had the some of the best action in any action movie I've ever seen. Not just for a comic book movie, but ever. The only thing I can think of that compares is Man of Steel and The Avengers when it comes to action. And the writers didn't overlook the characters either (I'm looking at you Man of Steel). Every character was fully fleshed out and appealing. Every character served a purpose in the story. And the dialogue was crisp, witty, and very entertaining. I really don't understand why people didn't like the third movie. Even the second movie was great. Everything I just said in defense of the third film can be applied to the second Iron Man film. The villains in all three films had very clear motives and were given plenty of development. I can say with all confidence that the IRON MAN TRILOGY is to date THE BEST COMIC BOOK TRILOGY we fans have been given.
Before the Iron Man films my friends and I would discuss which actor embodied their comic book counter part the best. To which I would always reply "Christopher Reeve Superman by far." Now, the answer is still Chrisopher Reeve. But as a close second, to Robert Downey's Tony Stark.
Nuff said.
But seriously no flame war. All comments will be deleted that make an attempt to do so.