Above: DC's latest Man-Bat. This one is more powerful and cunning...and he likes it! Excerpt from Batman The Dark Knight #28 (2014).
This may just be the break Kirk Langstrom was looking for! Now feeding on his Man-Bat persona, he's taken a liking to the unique Bat DNA serum and become the more powerful version of his former alter-ego.
But wait! That's not Kirk!
Nope. That's his daddy: business-mogul Abraham Langstrom. Ever the glutton for power, he's been buying up all traces of his son's formula and taken "Man-Bat" to a whole new level.
A highly recommended issue if you want a good villain; read
Batman The Dark Knight #28 (2014). Abraham Langstrom is now marketing his son's formula; he's even using it on himself. And if this doesn't teach us anything, at least admit it takes a fiendish villain to turn his son's super-power into a business venture.
Gregg Hurwitz brings the newest version of Man-Bat to the Dark Knight's gallery of villains. His writing is solid in this issue and leaves no room for confusion. As bodies begin appearing in Gotham City, Batman gathers the clues. It leads him to Kirk Langstrom, but the scientist swears it isn't him.
Villainous Moments is a column about evil, sponsored by The Superheroes List, and updated weekly (usually Tuesday). What are the bad guys doing this time?? Macabre and unthinkable, grotesque and unbearable; here's your answer! Use #VillainousMoments on Twitter if you like what you see.