WATCH: Idea Channel Answers the Question: Why Are There So Many Superhero Movies?
Here's an idea: the recent influx of superhero movies has less to do with Hollywood studios being short on new ideas, and more to do with human history and storytelling going around full circle. Click on to watch the episode!
Published on Jun 12, 2014
The past 15 years have produced a pantsload of superhero films. It's hard to even remember a time before Superman, Batman, Spider-man, and Captain America dominated the summer box office. So are movie studios just lazy and out of ideas? Or is something else going on? Super-heroes are authority figures who put their world in order. They are ALSO the products of the culture from which they originate. So what does it say about our cultural state of affairs that we willingly consume 6+ superhero flicks a year? Write your thoughts down below!
Click HERE to watch "How is Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan) changing comics for the better?"