What do Bruce Wayne and Tony Stark have in common? They're both Republican.

What do Bruce Wayne and Tony Stark have in common?  They're both Republican.

You may not agree, but if so, the facts are pretty heavily against you.
Consider their present and past actions and you'll see a pattern espousing a Republican philosophy. Either way, they would have my vote.

Editorial Opinion
By headlopper - Nov 04, 2011 05:11 PM EST
Filed Under: Other

Generally the Republican party's tenets are limited, efficient government, a strong military, low tax rates and few business regulations to encourage economic activity in the private sector.
The Democratic party's tenets are generally and large ,centralized government, funded by high tax rates, with strict regulations monitoring free enterprise activities and government agencies to effect that.

Both parties offer their benefits and liabilities. Yet it seems an environment promoted by Republican tenets would be more advantageous for both men's enterprises to prosper.
The unfortunate truth is that if a corporation today is over taxed and over regulated with expensive licence requirements and regulation compliances, they'll just more their operation oversee's and be gone in six months.
Now both these men are American ,and patriots, so I'm sure they'ed love to stay stateside and keep American worker's employed. However their not idiots either- if it's more cost efficient to relocate to China(like everybody else) they just might! Let's take a look at their enterprises:

Bruce Wayne/Batman:
Wayne Biotech
Wayne Shipping
Wayne Steel
Wayne Yards
Wayne Aerospace
Wayne Chemicals
Wayne Industries
Wayne Medical
Wayne Electronics
Wayne Entertainment

Tony Stark/Ironman:
Askew Electronics
Barstow Electronics
Donahue Corporation
Funtime Incorporated
Pendyne Incorporated
Smart Green Technologies
Stark Bio-Film Research
Stark Heavy Industries
Stark Insurance
Stark Light Time Computing
Stark Robotics
Stark Super Dynamics
Maria Stark Foundation
Maria Stark Memorial Children's Hospital located at Avengers Tower
Stark Solutions
Stark Heart Foundation
Stark Substance Abuse Counseling Clinic located at Avengers Tower

Wow! These guy's aren't doing bad for themselves! Not to mention employing thousands of people, and thus increasing the tax base making for a healthier economy overall.
Now we know both these men take the law into their own hands, indicating they don't put 100% confidence in Government- local or federal. If the government were doing their job , it wouldn't need hero's to step in. More bureaucracy means more corruption, more 'red tape' and less results.
Another reason why a smaller, more efficient ACCOUNTABLE government is one both these gentlemen would support.
As for a strong military, both of these men benefit tremendously having firms which create weaponry for both keeping the peace, and war.
More often than not, it is Democratic party public policy to downsize the military- not good for our hero's military firms.
I know there are many who visit this site from all over the world, so U.S. politics may be 'foreign' to you, but 'Batman' and 'Ironman' are not, and belong to all of us! Wouldn't you want them to continue to prosper?
Americans have another election coming up in year- I wish Bruce or Tony were running ; they'd get my vote! I think the world would be a better place.

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superotherside - 11/4/2011, 5:21 PM
I'd vote for both of them! :P

RoscoeFolgers - 11/4/2011, 6:04 PM
I don't think they're Republican. They lean more toward fictional.
superbatspiderman - 11/4/2011, 7:05 PM
I think that Bruce Wayne would be a Republican but Tony definitely isn't. Tony has too much faith in the government and that is more of a Democratic trait. He supported the Registration Act.
headlopper - 11/4/2011, 7:45 PM
Stark and Richards supported it to preempt the governments inevitable crackdown on super human activity.(Illuminati) They thought by controlling the issue they could minimize it's affect, thus keeping the Government meddling in their lives and affairs at a minimum.
But because of that reality show stunt gone awry involving the New Warriors everything blew up.
It became a matter of obeying the law after that. Something a good Republican is proud to do.(at least that's the stereo-type)
golden123 - 11/4/2011, 7:58 PM
Just because they own companies and are billionaires doesn't mean they are Republicans although with comments like this one, "If the government were doing their job , it wouldn't need hero's to step in" I can tell you're not really conservative. Relying and complaining on and about the government. What does this accompolish.
thunderforce - 11/5/2011, 6:35 AM
I could see Stark as a republican before he became Iron Man but not after his life changed .
AC1 - 11/5/2011, 3:32 PM
Wow @TheGODDAMNSUPERGUY I think you're taking this a bit too seriously. It's simply the writer's views and how he's interpreted the characters. Are you saying there are no Republicans who enjoy comic books with comments like "There's no such thing as a Republican superhero, maybe Deadpool and Booster Gold. Superheroes help people for the greater good and ask for nothing in return. To a Republican, that sounds like socialism"?
Also, Batman works with Gordon because he can see Gordon is a good guy. If he worked with the Government as a whole, then he'd just be another cop. His relationship with the rest of the GCPD is strained at best. That's why he fights crime, because he thinks the police force as a whole apart from Gordon are incompetent. If they were doing their jobs properly, there'd be no need for a Batman. Plus, Gordon is bending the rules by working with Batman. He's breaking the law by working with a vigilante. See? Even a government official is breaking the law to get the job done. Maybe you're not so sure what you're talking about.

Which brings me onto my next point.

There's no need to be so harsh with comments like "Wayne Tech DOESN'T make weapons! Read up on Batman, clown. You should probably shut up about things you're not sure of." Make's you sound like a complete douche by being so antagonistic because the guy made a mistake. Like you have an encyclopedic knowledge of all things comic book, and I'm sure you've never breathed a word about something you're unsure of. Everything you say is undeniable fact isn't it? You know, except the comment about Bruce Wayne's undeniable support for the Government because he works with one cop who is bending the rules to clean up the city, while they both think the rest of the cops are useless idiots.

Don't act like you know everything, because you don't. There's certainly no need to act as aggressively as you do. Chill out man. It's just a guy on a website writing about his view of some comic book characters. It's not like he's campaigning to get a drug addled murderer elected president or something undeniably stupid like that. He's just expressing his insight or opinion (to which we're all entitled). Calm down.

Anyway, @headlopper cool article. Very different, informative and intelligently constructed. I learned more about American politics reading this than through anything else (although I am British so I don't really need to know much about American politics).
headlopper - 11/5/2011, 6:48 PM
@ACira- I was hoping someone would see the immaturity and inaccuracy of his comments. Being that I wrote the editorial , I thought it best not to respond- but thankfully you did, and very masterfully I might add. Thanks for the compliments!

About making weapons, I was using the films as a reference.
Lucius stated the the 'Tumbler' and Kevlar armor where developed for the military, but it was too expensive for them to purchase en mass.
TheGODDAMNSUPERGUY I assume, is a Democrat, and seems very passionate about his party affiliation...excessively so.

One other point: Without having great wealth, and it's preservation year after year, neither of these two men would be able to afford being hero's. It costs a lot of money to do what they do.
crimsoncrusader - 11/5/2011, 9:43 PM
@headlooper- Very interesting article. Never really gave much thought to the whole superhero/politics angle. With that being said, would you say that both Wayne and Stark are solely fiscally conservative (Republican ideology) while being socially liberal (Democratic ideology) or just straight up Republican, both fiscally and socially?
headlopper - 11/5/2011, 10:45 PM
@crimsoncrusader- How you define 'socially liberal' needs to be established first . Both have charitable organizations they fund out-of-pocket, circumventing Government involvement. Yet, I suppose the answer to your question is ultimately in the source material.
jjmeylar - 11/6/2011, 12:48 PM
I agree, but Stark probably rides the fence on ever since he became Iron Man.
Hudson11 - 11/6/2011, 3:34 PM
Bruce is liberal when it comes to the death penalty. He doesn't want to kill which is a democratic trait.
Dmon - 11/7/2011, 3:21 AM
@Hudson11 I don't know that Bruce has ever stated that he was against the death penalty, he just believes he should not be the one to deal it out and that they should stand trial.

I would say its hard to gauge what party they would belong to because it depends on the writer. You could make the statement that because Batman is anti gun he is a democrat but he has not always been that way. When Bob Kane created him he was not. When Stan Lee created Ironman he wanted to create the "quintessential capitalist" superhero, a character that would go against the spirit of the 60's and most of Marvel's readership. Even though Stan Lee is a democrat (after his dealing with the Clintons I don't know if he still is) he created Ironman as a dare to himself. In the long run I don't know if Marvel really kept this going. For the most part Marvel and DC have done a pretty good job of not making any of these characters appear to be affiliated with any political party which is a good thing.
Caedus137 - 11/7/2011, 6:05 AM
TheGODDAMNSUPERGUY - Haha! Yeah, I'm English... Having a world class universal healthcare system, free at the point of use, based on need, not ability to pay is a real drag... We have it tough...
DylansMyDog - 11/7/2011, 6:49 AM
Please, please stop it everyone ... its bad enough with all the DC vs. Marvel whining we do not need another issue to divide people on this site. We get this political garbage on every other site on the internet this is one of the last sites I can go to to escape this stuff.

We're all comic fans leave it at that.
OdinsBeard - 11/7/2011, 10:57 AM
seriously? Politics and Religon should really stay off of this website. Gotta love how put "ACCOUNTABLE" in all caps then go on to say you'd vote for two republicans...

let's just stick with comics people... at least that way when your opinoins are wrong you can try and justify it.
AC1 - 11/7/2011, 1:03 PM
@TGDSG I'm not trying to take sides here, all I'm saying is that some of the things you said to headlopper were really rude and uncalled for, like calling him a clown who needed to research comics more; headlopper is simply sharing his views. As I said in my comment, I'm from the UK, so I know very little of American politics. I'm just trying to keep things civil here, there's passion for your argument, and then there's arrogance, so try not to overstep the line. There's no need to completely slam his views so harshly.

@headlopper it was written intelligently, but I can't technically agree or disagree with the topic or your view since I hardly know anything about US politics.
headlopper - 11/7/2011, 1:17 PM
@ACira- You're a true asset to Her Majesty. Again, wise and rational. Thanx!
golden123 - 11/7/2011, 1:23 PM
@ACira: Do your knowledge a favor and don't base anything you know about american politics on this article or comments section? I wasn't sure if headlopper was serious about this article when I wrote my first comment, and TGDSG has been fed bias information all his and is incredibly confused and misguided. I'm a really strong conservative (or as they are calling it a Republican, those words get misused in place of each other alot) and I like to give back to others. I do beleive people should work for their own healthcare, though. I don't think it's the government's job to provide it for everyone. If people get things for free then unemployment will go up because no one wants to work (among other reasons).
Fastestmanalive - 11/8/2011, 10:13 AM
Batman or any hero for that matter that dosent kill is not cuz they're democrat but cuz of marketing, imagine if Batman killed the Joker or Penguin then no more stories that would be the end, they keep these characters around so they could write more comics.

Actually in the real world I would hope even the democrats would give someone like the Joker the death penealty instead of letting him go thru the revolving door of Arkham and constantly killing hundreds or thousands of people, and after he killed his first batch of a couple hundred people they would have enough.

I always pictured superheroes as more conservatives becuz theyre pretty much just super cops or super soldiers, and republicans are more pro cops and pro stronger justice as opposed to the democrats who are usaully more sympathetic to the perpertrators of crimes more then the victims.

I mean if democrats scream at the "crazy, trigger happy, brutal, police", and are sympathetic to the "poor, down on his luck, bad childhood, perpertrator", could u imagine how they would feel about someone like Batman who roams the streets and beats the crap out of criminals.
JohnnyKrypton - 11/8/2011, 1:49 PM
Too much fail to reconcile...just know....FAIL
superwolverine - 11/9/2011, 9:26 PM
The REAL question i want to ask is.... who would you rather be

Iron man


AutobotCommander84 - 11/12/2011, 12:55 PM
Both Wayne Corp and Stark Industries don't make weapons and both Batman and Iron Man help the innocent and donate to charity. To Republicans, that's socialism, and Republicans are not big fans of socialism. I mean look, if Wayne's parents were shot by a mugger and Stark was captured and nearly killed by terrorists using his own weapons, why would they make weapons. Especially considering that weapons are like candy to Republicans. AND DEMOCRATS ARENT THE ONES RAISING TAXES, IT'S REPUBLICANS!
patriautism - 11/16/2011, 9:50 PM
Just because they're capitalists , that doesn't make them republican. First of all both of their companies were started by their ancestors not them. second of all Batman is strongly for gun control, and no death penalty. That's a VERY liberal stance...
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