First-The symbol displacement made me a very unhappy camper when I was a kid, watching this.I was always one of his better fans and wanted to see this movie. The symbol not being there really started to irritate me. I was like...Come on!!!No symbol!then I started to realize something. The symbol was not there for a highly obvious reason, basically to add to the realism.
I don't think Castle was like, "Ok, my family is dead...better go get my skull shirt!"I really can't picture that.quite simply, he had nothing to lose and I don't think the top of his worries list was equipping his T-shirt.
Second-Dolph and the writers realized that the realism needed to be as dirty as the core of a rotted apple.This man was ragged,rugged,dirty,and to-the-point.There was no fancy firepower, no off-the-wall strategies, he did what any normal man who snapped would do...He simply killed them.
Third-He was plainly a man that had lost his heart and soul to the evils of criminality.You could see it in his eyes, and feel it in his ways.You knew that this man was death warmed over just by the first 10 minutes of the film.I mean, anything Dolph touched in this movie died without a second hesitation, much like that of Ray Stevenson's, except with a great story.
To me, Dolph Lundgren was and will always be The Punisher.

Good day peeps.