Harry Potter vs. Captain America for Biggest Movie of the Year

Harry Potter vs. Captain America for Biggest Movie of the Year

It is becoming ever clearer that Harry Potter will out-gross more than any movie this summer. However, some (well few) predict Captain America will be first in the #1 world-wide position. Those few people don't know a thing.

Editorial Opinion
By sonofsamadams - Jul 08, 2011 07:07 AM EST
Filed Under: Sci-Fi

It's all coming to an end indeed. An end to a fantastic franchise adapted from one of the most popular book series the world over.

I love each and everyone of the Harry Potter movies. All of them are well made and each have their own look and feeling to it. It's sad to know that my favorite director (Steven Spielberg) wanted to make these into a cartoon. That would've worked for the first two films, but the rest ... No. It's awesome to know that these movies are superior to the cheesy garbage otherwise known as the Twilight 'Saga'. It's rare that a movie franchise like this lasts 8 films in ten years. Rare indeed. Star Wars took breaks. James Bond took (several) breaks. Indiana Jones took breaks. Harry Potter is the first movie to split its final chapter into 2 parts. Twilight and LOTR copied them. Its indeed a true symbol of greed, but its a fantastic idea.

It really grinds my gears when I see comments that say 'Captain America will engross the most money this year'. Shows how blind those people are. They forget one movie-Harry Potter 7. This is the final movie of a franchise that averages 900 million worldwide per movie. You really think Captain America will beat out one of the most popular character in the world? Yeah right. If anything, Cap will make a little more than Thor, or maybe less, worldwide. It won't touch Harry Potter. True statement there.

Many have gone far to say that Cap is in danger of having the lowest opening out of the four Superhero movies this summer due to the movie that opens before it. With the majority of the people in this country will rush to see the final chapter, and with 100% on Rotten Tomatoes with an average rating of 8.1/10, things are looking extremely well for the Hogwarts wizard. (considering general audiences take Critic grades too seriously. Yes GL, I'm talking to you)

Rotten Tomatoes link:

In my opinion, Captain America isn't in too much trouble. If they opened on the same day, then Captain would definitely be in trouble. I predict Harry Potter to open with 150+ on its opening weekend. And for its second, 70-80 million with Captain America in the 60s. But it wouldn't surprise me if the First Avenger opened with less than 50 million (Probably won't happen, but just throwin' that out there) A lot of people are putting too much faith in Captain. It won't engross a lot world wide if it turns out to be bad (but that's one big if)

I know it sounds like I'm bashing Captain America, but understand-I am excited to see Captain. But not as near as excited to seeing Harry's final chapter. Chris evens looks like an awesome Cap, Hugo an awesome Skull. But worldwide people are gonna choose Harry. Yeah yeah, bash me for that. but if you do, you're in denial. BIG TIME.

In short:
Harry Potter-900 million-1 billion world wide
Captain America-300-400 million worldwide

And for those of us who enjoy Harry Potter movies, the big question is raised-do we really want it to end?


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CorndogBurglar - 7/8/2011, 7:20 AM
i have no interest in Harry Potter, and have yet to see a single one.

having said that, it will murder Captain America in sales.
CorndogBurglar - 7/8/2011, 7:49 AM
@ tea

lol, isn't that how it works around here? people listen to critics when the critics say what they want to hear.

but the second a critic craps on a movie people like, all of a sudden its, "i don't listen to critics, i make my own opinions, blah blah blah [frick] critics."

CorndogBurglar - 7/8/2011, 8:42 AM
this article should be Harry Potter vs. Transformers 3 for biggest movie of the year.

no way will Captain America make more money than Transformers.
StrangerX - 7/8/2011, 8:45 AM
I've got a woody for Cap, but with Harry Potter selling out at 2000 screenings it's not looking for the The First Avenger.
sonofsamadams - 7/8/2011, 8:46 AM
Okay....WTF. Someone made some changes to this Article. It was designed to explain to the people who think Captain would do better than Harry how wrong they were. Not a show down. WTF? Someone changed that poll too, because that wasn't the original poll and I can't edit it for some reason...

question mark?
Knight - 7/8/2011, 8:46 AM
I really don't see how these movies can compete, they belong to two completely different genre's.
sonofsamadams - 7/8/2011, 8:58 AM
I appreciate that this made main.

But I would appreciate it it more if it was the ORIGINAL article I posted
MarkJulian - 7/8/2011, 9:12 AM
I hope Cap does well, but neither one of these movies will top Transformers. Money-wise that is.
marvel72 - 7/8/2011, 9:13 AM
three biggest films of the year will be.

1.harry potter 7 part 2
2.transformers dark of the moon
3.pirates of the carribean 4 on stranger tides

comic book movies

1.captain america
3.x-men first class
gambgel - 7/8/2011, 9:14 AM
Captain the biggest movie of the year?

who did really think that would happen?

Captain is not Batman or Spiderman.

And its the first movie of a new franchise, so it wont be as big as his fans would like.

even Ironman 1 or 2 werent as big as Harry Potter, Pirates or Transformers, or Dark Knight.

Captain wont be on that same level.
RunDTC - 7/8/2011, 9:14 AM
@tomorrowtoday4647: cause it probably sucked. he brought up Harry Potter.
thebamf - 7/8/2011, 9:23 AM
I will be surprised if Harry Potter doesn't become one of the biggest grossing movies of all time.
sonofsamadams - 7/8/2011, 9:23 AM

as I said before....this wasn't the original purpose of the article.

but now its intended to spark Gossip.
m0th3r - 7/8/2011, 9:25 AM
after weathering the first 7 installments, id imagine most people will force themselves to finish it..like getting a divorce at the end of a dreadful relationship. Sorry, but i though the vast majority of the Potter material blows...ill watch it when it comes to video..Cap, ill probably see at least twice...:)
Shaman - 7/8/2011, 9:28 AM
Oh shit... sorry guys! I voted for Captain A. but i really wanted to vote for Harry P. So for the final result, just substract one from Cap to give it to Harry. Just in case it makes any difference in the outcome...
sonofsamadams - 7/8/2011, 9:35 AM
I'm probably the only person in the history of CBM.com that doesn't like the fact his article got to main.
oh well. I'm done complainin'
I'll just sit back and see where this goes.


Well said.
Shaman - 7/8/2011, 9:36 AM
Ironically it didn't make much green.
Shaman - 7/8/2011, 9:43 AM
You know, as correct as the prediction this article states is, Jarvisjackrabbit and Intruder aren't wrong either.

Intruder- The green apples are the sour ones, right? :P
Fantine - 7/8/2011, 9:44 AM
As I much as I hate to say it, Potter 7 will take over Titanic as the second highest grossing film of all time. So watch your back Avatar....
golden123 - 7/8/2011, 9:45 AM
@Jarvisjackrabbit: LOL, but there are people on here that have an even worse education.
SmokinIndo - 7/8/2011, 9:45 AM

You left out Spider-Man. Yeah.... The Dark Knight made a killing, but all three Spider-Man movies broke box office records when they came out.
Shaman - 7/8/2011, 9:47 AM
CatwomanLover- Oh [frick] how i would like for Harry to kick Avatar off it's high [frick]ing horse! :))

...sadly it ain't gonna happen. Close but no cigar as they say. Unless of course, they re-release it :))
Shieldofpower - 7/8/2011, 9:52 AM
LOL even Harry Potter is beating a CBM on a CBM website.
PaulRom - 7/8/2011, 9:55 AM
HP is definitely gonna be the highest grosser. It could even beat Transformers and POTC...and that's saying something.
Although I think Cap will be a far superior film. Then again, I'm not a HP fan so that might sound a bit biased. :P
Rango - 7/8/2011, 9:56 AM
sorry but I don't see Cap opening 1st even when HP will be in its second week.
Jarvisjackrabbit - 7/8/2011, 9:57 AM
In spite of the article itself, I am enjoying the gif with Harry and the gun. It makes all the razzle dazzle spell-casting business seem ever so silly. I'll see Potter three years from now when I borrow the DVD from my father-in-law. I'll see Cap thrice in the theater.
ThaMessenger07 - 7/8/2011, 10:02 AM
This article is pathetic. Harry Potter Sucks. Ive seen 3 of them. They were all just stupid. I'm glad this franchise is over. And yes, I feel Cap will be 2nd to Harry Potter on it's opening week. With HP holding the lead for about 3 weeks. Overall I say HP is gonna have a Run for it's money against Transformers 3 in overall Sales this Summer....

Again, Harry Potter Sucks but not as much as this article.......No offense.....?.....I guess...
BIGBMH - 7/8/2011, 10:04 AM
Nomis- "Never seen a second of any Harry Potter Film. let it die already."

A. Your negative attitude towards it is pretty unfounded then.

B. Let it die? Dying is what happens when something overstays its welcome and fizzles out (ex. Heroes). When a story has a planned end that it reaches while still enjoying success, that's just concluding.

@TheMessenger07, 3 of 7 isn't even half. Half the Terminator movies suck. Doesn't mean that 1 and 2 aren't amazing. Anyway, judging a series that began as a book by watching a few movies doesn't give an accurat impression.
OnLeatherWings - 7/8/2011, 10:04 AM
Harry Potter for sure. and for the record ive never read a critics comments about a harry potter movie. i just go and see them and enjoy them for myself. same goes with most other movies. stoked for cap still and will def see that the next week but harry potter will rule for a few weeks for sure.
Shaman - 7/8/2011, 10:04 AM
If it makes any difference, i'll be seeing both in theaters but Cap first. Cause my girlfriend hates opening nights at the theaters.
BigK1337 - 7/8/2011, 10:05 AM
Damn, I kind of question how Captain America's first film will beath Harry Potter's last film? I mean from how Captain America looks, it will be a pretty good movie; but since this is the final film of the Harry Potter films, they are going to pull out all the stuff to make it epic as hell.

Wow, this will be deja vu for Joe Johnson; where he create a really good comic book movie only to be outshined by a popular film (Rocketeer against Terminator 2).
niknik - 7/8/2011, 10:08 AM
So where exactly did someone actually claim that Captain America would out gross Harry Potter anyway? First I ever heard of that. I have heard people say it would be the #1 CBM but haven't heard of anyone claiming it would be #1 overall. If someone actually did, they need to put down the comic book, take off that Captain America halloween costume they wear in public every day, and get a grip on reality.

Potter's a world-wide phenominal success. Cap doesn't stand a chance.
ROBBEATZZZ - 7/8/2011, 10:16 AM
ROBBEATZZZ - 7/8/2011, 10:18 AM
dlawyer - 7/8/2011, 10:22 AM
No...Potter will easily be the top film of 2011. I am not a huge Potter fan (I don't like the title character much, he seems very weak to me and I'm still torn as to why he's so hyped up as the wizard to beat. Hermione could pwn him in an instant. In fact I'm more of a Voldemort fan. That's a true super wizard for ya), but the climax of this last segment looks absolutely fantastic. And, although I can't wait for the Captain to hit the screen as well, it doesn't stand a chance.

The movie that will give Potter a true run for the 2011 title (and I'm not saying I'm a fan or anything because I absolutely hate these films!) will be Twilight (Nov. release?)
Moakynubs - 7/8/2011, 10:27 AM
Harry Potter will most likely take the summer, as much as I love Cap. I wonder if this is actually going to happen like the poll suggests though?

"Hey man, want to go see Captain America?"

"Nah, I already saw Harry Potter."

...Why can't we all just see both?
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