On Sunday/Monday, we finally got our first look at Solo: A Star Wars Story. The trailer's debut had become something of a joke online, with many people wondering if we were ever going to see footage from the spinoff (the prevailing theory was that it would ultimately debut with the movie itself).
Now, it seems the curtain is finally being pulled back on the movie as following the debut of that awesome Entertainment Weekly cover, we now have the first official batch of stills from Solo.
You can check those out here and if you've been on the fence about the movie up until now, these may very well help change your minds. All you need to do is click on either one of the buttons below for the full gallery and to check out some interesting new plot details about what's to come when Solo debuts.

Alden Ehrenreich is playing a version of Han Solo several years before we met him in the Mos Eisley cantina in A New Hope and he reveals just how much of a difference those years make to the character. "I think the main thing that’s different is that the Han we meet in this film is more of an idealist. He has certain dreams that he follows, and we watch how it affects him as those dreams meet new realities — realities that are harder and more challenging than he’d expected."
"Yeah, we are playing a game of sabacc," explains Donald Glover when asked about the scene above. "A lot of it, you know?" As for whether or not we'll get to see the infamous game which saw Lando Calrissian lose the Millennium Falcon to Han Solo, all the actor would say is: "We are getting a taste of that. How good is Lando? How good is Han?" It seems we'll just have to wait and see!
Apparently, Han grows up with one friend in the form of "fellow cast-off" Q'ira, played by Game of Thrones star Elimia Clarke. "She has a couple of guises, but essentially she is just fighting to stay alive. If you’ve got a really glamorous lady in a really sordid environment, you kind of know the glamour is hiding a few rough roads." The question is, where was she in the original trilogy?