Luke Skywalker was killed off in Star Wars: The Last Jedi but most fans remain optimistic that J.J. Abrams will give Mark Hamill a meaty role in Episode IX as a Force Ghost. However, the actor has now made it clear that he's not actually massively interested in returning to the franchise and it's easy to see where he's coming from seeing as he credits those feelings with the passing of Carrie Fisher.
After noting that the gap between the two trilogies has allowed him and his family to live a relatively normal life, Hamill explained that his friendship with Fisher blossomed in those years and her death has taken its toll on him. "It really has tarnished my ability to enjoy it to its fullest. You were asking earlier, ‘Are you going to come back?’ I don’t care anymore on that level because Han Solo is gone, Luke is gone. And you just can’t get the band back together the way you wanted it to be following Carrie's passing."
As great as it's been to see Star Wars return in such a great way, the fact we never got to see Luke, Han, and Leia reunited on the Millennium Falcon is a hard pill to swallow and it's hard to escape the feeling that decision was a mistake. Hamill finished on a slightly more positive note, saying: "Rather than be sorry that we can’t have more of her; I’m just grateful that we had the time with her that we did."
With the actor seemingly happy to walk away from the franchise, it's now going to be very interesting seeing what Abrams does with that and how he handles the legacy on all of these original characters.