STAR WARS Exclusive: Catherine Taber On THE CLONE WARS & FORCES OF DESTINY Pre & Post Disney

STAR WARS Exclusive: Catherine Taber On THE CLONE WARS & FORCES OF DESTINY Pre & Post Disney

Catherine Taber voices many Star Wars characters, and she recently talked to us about how Disney's acquisition of the franchise impacted things such as Clone Wars and Forces of Destiny. Check it out below!

By LiteraryJoe - Jan 18, 2021 09:01 AM EST
Filed Under: Star Wars

Disney's acquisition of Lucasfilm back in 2012 meant that control of one of the most popular franchises, Star Wars, was now with family-friendly House of Mouse. The more than $4 Billion deal not only affected the pockets of the companies involved, but also sparked concern amongst long-time fans that Disney's target audience could alter the tone of the franchise as a whole.

When we recently spoke to Star Wars veteran Catherine Taber (Knights of the Old Republic, The Force Unleashed) about the subject, she was happy to dig into the changes that came with the acquisition, as she was a part of the franchise both before and after. She not only talks about the cancellation and return of Clone Wars, but also other projects like Forces of Destiny, which are more kid-friendly as a result of Disney's control.

Listen to Taber speak exclusively with us using the podcast player below.

"There were some pretty dramatic changes right off the bat, which there are no spoiler alerts there. Clone Wars was basically canceled, and Detours, which we had done two seasons of, was also shelved. Clone Wars came back, and we got to finish what we had done, which was amazing and unexpected. And I still hold out a lot of hope that Detours will, too, and that audiences will get to see Detours because it's so good. It's different than anything else. It's funny. We need that right now. Those were some changes because I think Dee Bradley Baker and me, and maybe one other person were on both shows. So it goes from, you've got two series regulars, and they're getting producer calls, and then the phone rings, and it's another producer, and you're like, 'Oh crap, it's not good news.' But since then, there have been many amazing things that have happened for the franchise, and a lot more content than we ever thought possible.

I was super excited to work on Forces of Destiny for Disney, which definitely was more kid-oriented and intentionally so. It was one of those things where it takes a good message of Star Wars that normally you would have a whole movie to get to, and it puts it in quickly for kids to understand. And that's one of the things I love about Star Wars, and that's the kind of stuff I want there to be more of for kids. So if I get to be a part of that, I love that. And I think that Star Wars, the thing I always say to everyone, even Forces of Destiny, some adults like it, even these short little things intended for kids, adults like it too. There are going to be parts that adults like and parts kids like. You're not necessarily the target. If you hate it, maybe you weren't the target.

But I feel like Star Wars, in general, is just for everybody. And it seems to be eternal. And so I'm so glad that Disney is making more of it. And there will be things that some of us like and things that some of us don't like, that's also the nature of Star Wars, but it keeps people talking, too, which is fun. And, you know, I will always be partial to Luke and Han and Leia and Padme. That will never, ever, ever change for me. And I would say I also probably couldn't have enough of them. And that's why I love that we get more audiobooks, and I'm hoping for more of that stuff, too; I'm definitely hoping for more multicast radio drama stuff. I think that fans love that. And I know I love working on it, but the more Star Wars, the better, I think."

For those who enjoyed what Taber has to say, we have also included two more of our chats about her role as Padme in Star Wars: The Clone Wars, along with her comments on voicing Penelo in Final Fantasy XII and feelings about playing Mission in Knights of the Old Republic in the audio clips below.

*This interview has been edited for clarity.*

What do you think about the franchise pre and post Disney? Be sure to check out the trailer and synopsis for Taber's recently released film, Haven's End, a live-action sci-fi movie in which she leads the cast. And as always, be sure to share your thoughts in the usual spot!

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Amuro - 1/18/2021, 10:06 AM
I've listened to her interview on the podcast (in several parts but still feels like one and the same with a sense of continuity). One of my favorites, maybe because I'm a HUGE Star Wars fan who also happens to be a Final Fantasy fan. I'm really recommanding it.

Mission Vao meant so much for me when I first played Kotor as a teenager and I was happy when I learned her VA got the part of Padme back in the day.
LiteraryJoe - 1/18/2021, 10:15 AM
@Amuro - Thanks for tuning in as always!

So, I'm trying a new method out, I'm going to be releasing each guest interview in three parts, releasing one at breakfast, one at lunch, and one at dinner.

This way I can separate the topics which works great for the articles, and instead of having an overwhelmingly long timestamp, listeners are able to choose which chats they're interested in. And if there is a guest that listeners enjoy or for hardcore fans of the podcast, this allows them to bings the whole conversation in the evening.

I'd love your thoughts and feedback!
Amuro - 1/18/2021, 10:15 AM
@Amuro - The first Kotor had so many great characters. Mission Vao, HK-47, Jolee Bindo, Bastila Shan, Canderous Ordo... At the time, it was such an experience for a Star Wars fan, this video game. Quite literally the Star Wars game I was dreaming of without knowing it before I already had it.
Amuro - 1/18/2021, 10:21 AM
@LiteraryJoe - Yes, I think this new method works well too from the listener's side. There is only the episode count which is a little confusing at first considering all previous interviews didn't have that format before (one episode used to be one interview) and suddenly we have many episodes from the same interview with the same guest. But it's just a matter of getting used to the new format.
LiteraryJoe - 1/18/2021, 10:26 AM
@Amuro - Thanks for going into more detail! Yeah, we just hit 100 episodes and we just hit 10,000 downloads, and we just hit six months, and the new year kicked off with the interview focusing on me personally, then I switched it up to the new format.

Totally understand on episode count, I'm considering a bit of a rebrand with a Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner show which kind of explains what's to come. Thoughts?
Amuro - 1/18/2021, 10:45 AM
@LiteraryJoe - Yes, there are a lot of episodes (congrats by the way !), so it feels a little weird at first to see a different formula keeping the same episode count rather than being treated as a separate category of interviews or as a rebrand of the series.

But in the end, it's only confusing at first. Deep down, and despite being cut in several parts, it's still the same show and I'm enjoying it as much as I already did, and the new format allows more flexibility for the listener.

I'm just happy to have a good show to enjoy, and your Catherine Taber interview is definitely one of my favorites so far. I'd love to hear more about her career and experiences as a VA if she comes back one day.
Amuro - 1/18/2021, 10:51 AM
@LiteraryJoe - About Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner, you mean each part would have a different approach, it's own concept (like a different set of questions for each part, more about a technical approach of the job for one, more about the personal experiences of the guest for another... this kind of thing ?), or it is just a way to name Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3 ?
LiteraryJoe - 1/18/2021, 10:55 AM
@Amuro - Definitely more of your first point. And Catherine mentioned she will be back on for future Star Wars projects! Be sure to send me some questions via e-mail as you did with Julie if there is anything you'd like me to include in the convo.

Thanks as always for your support and your feedback, it means a lot!
Armageddon26 - 1/18/2021, 12:26 PM
Wait, what is Detours?
Amuro - 1/18/2021, 1:00 PM
@Armageddon26 - A parody series that was cancelled after Disney acquired Lucasfilm after two seasons were already produced. It was never broadcasted.

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