George Lucas Hasn't Watched The STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS Trailer
And it doesn't sound like he intends to either! Though he's officially listed as a "Creative Consultant" on the new J.J. Abrams movie, the man who actually created the galaxy far, far away in the first place seems to have very little interest in how his legacy is being handled.
The first trailer for Star Wars: The Force Awakens has been watched more than 72 million times and could be on its way to being the most viewed trailer in history, but one of those views didn't come from the creator of the franchise, George Lucas. While chatting to The NY Post at Bloomberg Businessweek’s 85th anniversary party, Lucas said he was flat out "not really interested" in watching it, though he did say he would go see the full movie when it's released next year. “I don’t know anything about it," he continued. "I haven’t seen it yet because it’s not in the movie theater. I like going to the movies and watching the whole thing there ” It's strange that the Creative Consultant on the film and the man who was said to be in "constant contact" with Abrams about the direction The Force Awakens was taking has no interest in even watching the first trailer, but maybe since selling Lucasfilm for $3 billion he just doesn't give a shit any more. Many would argue that he hasn't given a shit about anything but merchandise sales since A New Hope, but we'll table that discussion for a different time! What are your thoughts on this? Full story at the link below.