I love Boba Fett, Not in the way that I love Batman, Spider Man, Wolverine Cigarettes. I really love Boba Fett from the first time I saw the editon of New Hope that I saw as a kid, Seeing him on the bridge with the other bounty hunters on the Star Destroyer in Empire and even when he died like a true gangsta in Jedi, Hell I think I may have came when I first found out that he survived his trip into the Sarlacc.
My dad, who shares my love of Star Wars, picked up that I was a Boba fan and would get me the action figures, and as I got older, I got the Star Wars Tales Volumes and other Star Wars Comics (Star Wars Boba Fett Omnibus is my Bible) but with all of this an a Boba Fett tattoo on my left arm I have always hoped for a Boba feature film.
Lets Star with the Actor -
Now we dont know weather this movie will be set before or after the events of a new hope due to these movies being a stand-alone and hey he could end up just being part of the Han Solo stand-alone but in my mind this movie should be based after the battle of Yavin durin the three years between New Hope and Empire meaning that Boba would be old enough to have either Temuera Morrison who played Jango and was seen and heard as Clones during Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith since his voice was added into the special editions to fill Boba's voice but I think with the right make up treatment Daniel Logan could fill the part.
Sure the whole voice thing would tick some people off and Having Morrison play him seems a better fit but I like the idea of seeing an older Logan play the part.

You Dont need a lot of The Empire -
Okay obviously there will be mention of the Empire but the movie doesnt have to revolve around it, I mean you could have Boba tracking down his bounty and having the Empire mentioned in places Stormtroopers seen marching on planets. You dont need Vader to appear at all.

Mention Jango -
Jango was this guy's hero, father and well Boba is his clone trained from birth to become him in ways only Jango and Boba understood when he lost his father this boy was filled with hate and we all know were that leads....
But after Jango died Boba basically had to bring himself up in a tough Galaxy and with a few connections and strings he became the most feared bounty hunter in the galaxy, I just think it would be good to get a scene were somebody mentions Jango, Boba kills them collecting a bounty and arrives back at Slave 1 and has a moment, I mean the guy has to look his dad in the face every time he looks in a mirror.

Show plenty of Slave 1 -
We've never really had a proper look inside Slave 1 I mean we've had the odd glance and that but I'd like a proper look as to what its like inside when Boba enters, the holding cells and any other rooms inside, Plus I'd like to see plenty of action like we got with the Falcon instead of a 10 - 20 minute chase scene.
At the end make Boba shown as the most feared bounty hunter in the Galaxy -
I can picture this great voice over at the end of the movie while Boba literally walks through a ship taking down foes as he makes his way to the ships captain (his bounty) and the voice over says:
"Though this Galaxy may see dark times and great changes there is one thing that hasn't..... The Bounty Hunters and of all the hunters there is but one who fear's none, who never backs down..... one who never fails Boba Fett"
Then as Fett reaches his bounty the captain, he stands firm and silent the captain drops his blaster and admits defeat and that he will go with Fett willingly to which Fett replies "Your wanted dead" 'BLAST'
So what do you guys think sound off your opinions.