STAR WARS: J.K. Simmons Will Play 'Darth Vader', Aaron Paul Cast As 'Luke Skywalker'
...In an Empire Strikes Back live read that is! Director Jason Reitman will stage his latest read tomorrow night with a cast that also includes Stephen Merchant as C-3P0, and Kevin Pollack as Yoda. More details past the jump.
In case you weren't aware, director Jason Reitman (Juno, Young Adult, Up In The Air) stages monthly live performances of movie scripts at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. He has previously put on readings of the likes of The Princess Bride, American Beauty, and The Apartment, but his latest is a bit of a departure: Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back. Reitman has revealed several of his cast members to EW, and they include Breaking Bad's Aaron Paul as Luke Skywalker and the great J.K. Simmons (Spider-Man, Whiplash) as his dear old daddy, Darth Vader. There's also Stephen Merchant as C-3P0, Kevin Pollack as Yoda, and Dennis Haysbert as Lando Calrissian. Apparently we'll find out who'll play Princess Leia, Han Solo and the rest later today. You can hear from Reitman on why he chose that particular cast at the link below, and you can purchase tickets for the read HERE.