STAR WARS Legend Mark Hamill Can't Explain One Of The Franchise's Biggest R2-D2 Plot Holes

STAR WARS Legend Mark Hamill Can't Explain One Of The Franchise's Biggest R2-D2 Plot Holes STAR WARS Legend Mark Hamill Can't Explain One Of The Franchise's Biggest R2-D2 Plot Holes

The Skywalker Saga has reached its end, and when Mark Hamill was asked about one noteworthy plot hole, he admitted to being unable to provide any sort of answer. See what you make of it after the jump...

By JoshWilding - Apr 27, 2020 02:04 AM EST
Filed Under: Star Wars

At the end of Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith, C-3PO has his memory wiped, hence why he had no memory of his creation or the events of the prequels by the time we met up with him again in A New Hope. However, as far as we're aware, R2-D2's memory remained fully intact. 

As a result, that obviously begs the question of why R2 never shared what he knew with Luke Skywalker; he must have been aware that Anakin Skywalker was Luke's father, and could have helped the heroes in a lot of different ways had he revealed what he knew about the past.

It seems George Lucas simply didn't account for that, though it is possible the mischievous droid also had his memory wiped at some point. Either way, when legendary Star Wars actor Mark Hamill was asked for his thoughts on this apparent plot hole, he admitted to being unable to answer. 

Hamill has made his disappointment with the sequels known since they were released, but it now appears as if he's moving on from the franchise (especially as Luke's story has reached its end). Do you guys have any thoughts on this plot hole? Let us know in the comments section. 

Click on the "Next" button below to see why we think the
Star Wars prequels were better than Disney's sequels!


10. They Told A Coherent Story


It feels like the legacy of the Star Wars sequels will revolve around the competing vision of two filmmakers - J.J. Abrams and Rian Johnson - both of whom played a game of one-upmanship, undoing the other's work because they had their own specific ideas about what Star Wars should be. 

While the prequels featured a lot of peculiar creative decisions, George Lucas being the man in charge meant there was a cohesive story which had a beginning, middle, and end. 

Moments from The Phantom Menace paid off down the line (even if you occasionally had to struggle to find them), whereas it was impossible to watch The Rise of Skywalker without being befuddled by sudden U-Turns. Those include Supreme Leader Snoke suddenly being a creation of Emperor Palpatine and Rey's parents going from nobodies to somebodies who were, uh, nobodies.

9. The Lightsaber Battles Ruled (Despite The OTT Choreography)


Yes, it was sometimes hard not to cringe watching the Jedi in the prequels unnecessarily spinning around for the umpteenth time in a single battle, while those flips were definitely a tad over the top. 

However, each of the major lightsaber battles felt like truly epic affairs with high stakes and edge of your seat action. Can the same really be said about the sequels? Rian Johnson expertly choreographed that battle aboard Snoke's Star Destroyer, but when Abrams had Rey face down Kylo Ren, excitement was lacking, and the iconic weapons barely factored into his finale.

The sequel's leads weren't trained in a traditional way, but just like these movies overlooked what it really meant to be a Sith (was Kylo ever more than someone who was attuned to the Dark Side?), they also failed to deliver lightsaber battles which left a lasting impact of any sort. 

8. They Tied Into The Original Saga


Having already made the original movies, George Lucas obviously knew where he was heading with his prequels. The challenge of making the sequels was to create a new story, and while they did succeed in that respect, they ultimately failed to build on what came before in a satisfying manner. 

Han Solo and Leia Organa's marriage fell apart after they failed their son. Lando Calrissian disappeared into the ether. R2-D2, uh, turned himself off. Oh, and most crushingly, Luke Skywalker was a broken down failure who never became a true Jedi Master and just went into hiding. 

Those aren't the outcomes we wanted for any of the characters, and it's not like they even ended up finding redemption for the most part. The prequels made us realise what sort of man Obi-Wan Kenobi was before ending up on Tatooine, while we also got to witness what led Anakin Skywalker down a dark path. The sequels, however, didn't do the original films justice for the most part.

7. The Villains Were Better


Kylo Ren was a fantastic villain with a compelling story arc which, minus his death, had a satisfying ending. Unfortunately, the rest of the bad guys in the Star Wars sequels were a disappointment. 

Supreme Leader's Snoke story went nowhere thanks to Rian Johnson's decision to kill him off, while the mystery surrounding his identity boiled down to a throwaway moment in The Rise of Skywalker. General Hux, the Knights of Ren, and Allegiant General Pryde were completely forgettable for the most part, whereas the prequels delivered bad guys who left a lasting impact. 

There's a reason fans still talk about General Grievous and Darth Maul (both of whom have gone on to take centre stage in animated TV shows), and while Count Dooku was hit and miss, Christopher Lee helped him excel. Oh, and Emperor Palpatine's story arc was a million times better in those early movies than the clone with the inexplicable plan we got last year. 

6. There Was The Right Level Of Fan Service


While many of the criticisms were overly harsh, there's no denying that The Force Awakens borrowed a little too much from A New Hope in terms of how the story played out. The Last Jedi, on the other hand, essentially told fans that what they wanted didn't matter (which isn't always a bad thing), but The Rise of Skywalker took fan-serve to a downright unbearable level. 

Lucasfiilm clearly felt that they needed to make things right with fans after some of the creative decisions made by Rian Johnson, but that led to them arguably making no one happy. 

The prequels, on the other hand, did deliver the moments we wanted to see as fans (Darth Vader's transformation and how Emperor Palpatine got his deformed appearance, for example), and while that was undeniable fan-service, there was definitely just the right amount of it. Did we need to know how R2-D2 and C-3PO met? Nope, but it was more fun than the way Luke's personality shifted from film to film.

5. The Ending Didn't Suck


Whether you loved or hated it, it's hard to deny that The Rise of Skywalker served as a mostly horrendous ending to the Skywalker Saga. Whether it's the fact the entire Skywalker lineage ended in death and Rey Palpatine dubbing herself "Rey Skywalker" or the random return of Emperor Palpatine to the land of the living with zero explanation about how it happened.

Sure, Darth Vader's cry of "Nooooooo!" was, well, awful, but the way the prequels ended didn't really disappoint. We got to learn how Anakin Skywalker fell under the spell of the Emperor and learned what led to characters like Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda ending up where they did in the original trilogy. It wasn't perfect, but it worked, and it didn't leave a bad taste in our mouths! 

Unfortunately, it will take a while to get over how the Skywalker Saga ultimately reached its conclusion. 

4. There Weren't A Million Unanswered Questions


For this point, you might be best off checking out our breakdown of The Rise of Skywalker's biggest unanswered questions! All done? Well, those barely scratch the surface, and it's crazy to think just how many lingering plot threads these sequels left us with. 

Not everything needs to be neatly tied up, of course, and a certain level of ambiguity is a nice way of getting fans to wonder what happened next to these characters. This finale, however, failed to wrap up the story arcs of key characters, and felt like half a movie as a result. 

We'll get into the long list of questions regarding Emperor Palpatine a little later, but you can't say the prequels left us with as many dangling plot threads, and certainly not ones this infuriating! 

3. The Big Name Characters Got Their Due


As we mentioned a little earlier, where we picked up with characters like Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, and Han Solo in the sequels was downright depressing. The adventures we all imagined them having together came to an abrupt end, and their victory in Return of the Jedi was short-lived. 

No one said they had to have a happy ending, but man, what an ending for so many of our favourites!

On the plus side, the prequels, didn't let down characters like Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Yoda, or C-3PO. Instead, it added to their stories - not always in an effective way, mind you - and ultimately did them justice. We'll address why that's the case with Emperor Palpatine a little later, but they all fared better than the returning characters from the original trilogy. 

2. The Changes To The Force Worked


The concept of Midi-chlorians was so silly, that George Lucas had pretty much ditched the idea by the time Attack of the Clones rolled around. However, the ways he otherwise expanded on the Force did make sense, whether it was Yoda mentioning that Qui-Gon Jinn had mastered life after death or the effect the Dark Side had on Anakin Skywalker after his horrifying actions. 

The sequels also played around with the Force, but this time, the result were definitely mixed. 

Everything from Force Dyads to Wayfinders and the Dark Side were introduced in Disney's Star Wars movies, but most of these ideas didn't work. The concept of there being two Sith at one time (a Master and Apprentice) was randomly dropped, and the convoluted nonsense linking Kylo Ren and Rey in The Rise of Skywalker is definitely something that's better off forgotten. 

1. Emperor Palpatine's Plan Actually Made Sense


We alluded to this a little earlier, but when you go back and look at the prequels, Emperor Palpatine's story arc did make a lot of sense. There was some dodgy acting and questionable decisions (we really didn't need to see why he looked so ancient), but the story of him attempting to bring the Galaxy back under the control of the Sith alongside a powerful apprentice made sense. 

What about his role in the Star Wars sequels added up? Without looking to the novelisations and tie-in books for further context, all we know is that he somehow survived the events of Return of the Jedi in a clone body, and planned to have his granddaughter kill him so he could take over her body and then rule the Galaxy. Yes, that idea made it into an actual screenplay.

Getting into Supreme Leader Snoke's role further muddies the water; was he an actual person Palpatine cloned and used as a pawn or just one of his own failed clones? Who the hell knows! 

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toylled - 4/27/2020, 3:40 AM
C3PO did say in TROS 'R2s memory banks are famously unreliable' or something.. so duh maybe he forgot.
DonDave - 4/27/2020, 4:04 AM
How would R2 know that Anakin is Vader? He last saw him as Anakin when he left the ship on Mustafar.
Nightwing1015 - 4/27/2020, 5:12 AM
@DonDave - No he watched the confrontation between Anakin and Obi-Wan in legends canon. Plus he'd have seen the aftermath. How else would he have gotten off Mustafar?
Nightwing1015 - 4/27/2020, 5:32 AM
@TheJustinHammer - Lol, you know what I was trying to say. In the continuity that is now know as Legends.
QUITEMASSIVE - 4/27/2020, 7:43 AM
@DonDave - r2 can scan people also he could of read beyond vaders uniform. But his memory was wiped in return of the seth anyways
Pigdango - 4/27/2020, 4:05 AM
Perhaps one plot hole is explained by another - when Obi Wan “doesn’t recognize” Threepio and Artoo, maybe Artoo takes this as a signal to keep quiet.
FleischerSupes - 4/27/2020, 5:09 AM
Yeah if anything R2 thought Obi Wan killed Anakin and didn't tell Luke.
Nightwing1015 - 4/27/2020, 5:11 AM
Why would this be considered a plot hole? R2 would obviously know the pain this would cause Luke, of course he wouldn't say anything.

In fact, on of the best EU stories ever told involves Luke trying to break into R2's memory banks to reveal the truth. R2 "begs" Luke not to do it, but Luke has him hacked. He watches the recording of Anakin killing Padme and it's really a great moment in Star Wars.

Wish we'd seen that in the sequels...
OmegaBlack13 - 4/27/2020, 6:01 AM
@Nightwing1015 - Do you know what story this was?
Nightwing1015 - 4/27/2020, 6:28 AM
@OmegaBlack13 - I forget the name but there's a bit of recap here at the end:

OmegaDaGrodd - 4/27/2020, 6:00 AM

The prequels don't do the OT many favors. Cool in concept, but the sleek, hyper-technologically advanced designs in the prequels, as well as the sheer dexterity and skill of Anakin compared to Vader showcase how Lucas overextending on the cool factor prevented those films from ever feeling like natural preludes to the "following" movies
Nightwing1015 - 4/27/2020, 6:29 AM
@OmegaDaGrodd - To be fair, how much does galactic tech change in 30 years? That's nothing in the Star Wars universe. I wouldn't expect the ship designs to be much different.
OmegaDaGrodd - 4/27/2020, 6:48 AM
@Nightwing1015 - Everything in the OT looks far less advanced than the stuff we see in the OT. Cloud City is probably the only thing that comes slightly close.

Lucas just never worked at maintaining any sort of aesthetic, textural or visual consistency between the OT and the PT because he was so consumed with the VFX he could explore in the PT
Nightwing1015 - 4/27/2020, 7:09 AM
@OmegaDaGrodd - Well some of the ships are basically the same. Republic Star Destroyers are basically the same as their OT counterparts.
marvel72 - 4/27/2020, 6:28 AM
Maybe R2D2 was just being a dick.
RexMason - 4/27/2020, 7:01 AM
Read the Dark Nest trilogy. There's is your answer.
THEDARKKNIGHT1939 - 4/27/2020, 7:26 AM
A bigger plot hole is how Vader doesn't remember 3PO or R2. Or why Obi-Wan "pretends" to have never seen them before.
marvel72 - 4/27/2020, 9:44 AM
@THEDARKKNIGHT1939 - Yeah you wouldn't deny knowing C3PO and R2D2, they are two loveable droids.

Its not like Luke found Jar Jar Binks and asked Ben if he knew him, I would deny that to.
BIGBMH - 4/27/2020, 9:44 AM
It's simple. R2 and 3PO should not have been in the prequels. It's a messy retcon that does little for the story aside from adding more familiar characters to the prequel trilogy. It would've made more sense to bring in a unique droid character who was somewhat reminiscent of one or both of them. That approach has worked well for other stories.

Force Unleashed - Proxy
Force Awakens- BB-8
Rogue One - K-2SO
Rebels - Chopper
Fallen Order - BD-1

It's very possible to fill the role of the droid companion without it actually being one of the originals. Anakin's relationship with C-3PO is so negligible in both the prequel films and Clone Wars, so we can ditch the plot thread of him being his creator. Give R2's Episode introduction as the spunky repair droid to another R2-esque droid who ends up becoming Anakin's equivalent of R2.
Tony93 - 4/27/2020, 1:53 PM
The way I see it, R2 is a smart droid. robots in the star wars universe are so close to being self aware. So I'm pretty sure R2 can assum Anakin turned to Vader. (He was there on mustafar) Also, you can assum he was listening to conversations among Obi won and yoda after.

Another thing is that they are kinda like pets (dogs). They have a 6th sense about their owner or people in general. So when R2 sees Vader again, its safe to assume he knew it was Anakin.
L0RDbuckethead - 4/27/2020, 1:54 PM
This has been a point of contention in the SW universe for awhile now, and it has only become more annoying with the addition of "Legends/Canon" lore...

This video kind of explains it well in the Legends lore.

newhire13 - 4/27/2020, 2:33 PM
He didn’t tell him because nobody asked 🤷🏾‍♂️
Eli - 4/28/2020, 8:46 AM
Slice it however you want: There is much more to enjoy in the Prequels than there is to hate. The films' re-energized the franchise and spawned all kinds of other creative endeavors.

The new sequel movies...not so much. I have a feeling that for the next 20 years we won't be playing games and watching cartoons and reading books inspired by the sequel films. Already, anything with a creative connection, like The Mandalorian, feels more like an attempt to "move on" rather than "expand upon."
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