The “TRON” saga continues in Disney XD’s upcoming series “TRON: Uprising,” following the adventures of a young program named Beck, determined to take up Tron’s cause of restoring order as the menacing dictator Clu and his henchmen begin to take over the Grid. The new TV series doesn’t officially begin until next month, but Disney XD is preparing viewers by telling the backstory via a special prelude episode called “Beck’s Beginning.”
The show is set between original “TRON” film and the newer “TRON: Legacy,” with visual and musical styles straight out of the latter, though adapted for by Disney Television Animation. The 30-minute “Beck’s Beginning” sets Beck on his journey to save programs from the tyrannical rule of Clu and his second-in-command, General Tesler.
TRON: Uprising, Beck’s Beginning,” introduces a Beck, a young mechanic living in Argon City, a growing metropolis in a far off corner of the grid that has just been occupied by General Tesler, a henchman of the notorious Clu. After his best friend Bodhi is ruthlessly derezzed by Clu’s army, Beck seeks justice for his lost friend and launches a crusade against the regime. His rebellion captures the attention of Tron, the greatest warrior The Grid has ever known, who sees the potential in Beck and trains him to be his successor. Labeled with the moniker of The Renegade, Beck sparks a revolution to fight for the freedom of The Grid.
Tron: Uprising premieres on Disney XD on June 7th, 2012.