WONDER: Israel's Eurovision Entry Noa Kirel To Star In New Futuristic Sci-Fi Series

WONDER: Israel's Eurovision Entry Noa Kirel To Star In New Futuristic Sci-Fi Series

Noa Kirel, who is focusing on her acting career after coming third in 2023's Eurovision Song Contest, is set to star in a new sci-fi series from Yes Studios, Wonder...

By MarkCassidy - Jun 06, 2024 07:06 AM EST
Filed Under: Sci-Fi
Source: Via SFF Gazette

Noa Kirel, a rising Israeli singer/actress, is set to star in a new futuristic sci-fi series titled Wonder.

Yes Studios, the company behind Fauda and Shtisel, is working on the project, and the up-and-coming pop star, a who finished third in last year’s Eurovision Song Contest with her tune "Unicorn," is on board to play the lead.

Produced by Paramount’s Ananey Studios, Wonder is an eight-part futuristic thriller which also stars Yovel Lewkowski (Netflix’s All Time High).

According to an official synopsis, the show is "set in a near future and revolves around the death of Noya, a 17-year-old girl who was apparently killed in a car crash. Her father Avner, a retired combat officer, and Daria, Noya’s best friend and a social media personality, join forces to investigate her death and discover Noya had a secret virtual life as part of a growing movement of teenagers swept up in the world of wonder — a new and mysterious virtual reality gaming app. Avner, who was mostly absent from Noya’s life, now faces a series of shocking revelations about his daughter. His and Daria’s investigation, along with flashbacks into Noya’s past, gradually unfolds the dark chain of events that led to her night-time accident in the desert."

The show is already deep in development, and is set to premiere later this year on leading broadcaster and streamer Yes TV. Sharon Levi, managing director at Yes Studios, shared the following statement, revealing some more details about the project.

“Futuristic but grounded in reality, this thriller will have broad appeal, but we especially believe that it will prove popular with young adult audiences looking for something different. This YA [young adult] space is something that we’ve been keen to explore. With Ananey and Paramount, Yes Studios found the perfect series to both reach a global audience and resonate with a generation that is hooked on their phones and, at times, disconnected from the real world.”

At 23-years-old, Kirel has already established herself as a singer-songwriter, actress, model, and television host, serving as a judge in Israel's Got Talent. She has won five MTV Europe Music Awards for Best Israeli Act from 2017 to 2022. Kirel also has a number of film and TV credits to her name, but has yet to break out in the U.S. - although previous reports have indicated that she may be poised to do so.

You can check out the video for Kirel's English-language debut, "Please Don't Suck," below along with a promo image from Wonder.

Any interest in Wonder? Be sure to share your thoughts with us in the comments section.

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Twenty23Three - 6/6/2024, 7:03 AM
harryba11zack - 6/6/2024, 7:04 AM
UnderBelly - 6/6/2024, 7:10 AM
Free Palestine!

I have nothing agaisnt jewish people! (But these days you need a disclaimer!)
TheVisionary25 - 6/6/2024, 7:18 AM
@UnderBelly - I agree

It’s unfortunate one has to clarify that nowadays.
Pathogen - 6/6/2024, 9:02 AM
@UnderBelly - Then make sure you say it correctly, and tack on From Hamas after it. Otherwise, you just look like you have no understanding of the situation
UnderBelly - 6/6/2024, 9:07 AM
@Pathogen - Well you can go [frick] yourself and get better educated. Hamas aren't their only opressors. I for sure disagree with their terroist tactics but this issue didn’t start in October.
comicfan100 - 6/6/2024, 9:40 AM
@UnderBelly - Yeah, Zionism has its roots dug in deep.
Pathogen - 6/6/2024, 9:42 AM
@UnderBelly - This issue didn't start in 1948, either. Better educated? You should see my book library, there is a section on the middle east. I'm currently re-reading Son of Hamas for the 3rd time (its an easy read, go pick it up). I have been to the middle east many times since I was a child, to Israel, Jordan, Egypt. I'd say turkey, too, but that doesn't count.
What have YOU done, watch a few tik toks? Ride a bandwagon of online propaganda, maybe bought a keffiyeh to be part of the "cool kids"?
UnderBelly - 6/6/2024, 10:18 AM
@Pathogen - Good for you, you can read and travel! 👏🏼

I never suggested it started in '48 either, shit it goes back much further than that. I also never suggested Hamas were good, the opposite infact but as i said they are not their ONLY problem. So no I will not say it in a manner that seems correct to you, I will say it in a manner that is reflective of what all those women children and human beings in general deserve...To be free from any and all conflict... I disagree with what Hamas did to those Isreali civilians, but lets not pretend Israel military and governance are innocent as they have been dealing similar blows to Palestinian population for decades. I dont need to justify myself or divulge my closely linked background to have an opinion on the matter, but i will say...[frick] tik tok and [frick] you too. ☺️.
HermanM - 6/6/2024, 10:43 AM
@UnderBelly - Pathogen is a zionist jew and supports genociding Palestine and labels any defense of Palestine as terrorism. He admits so in the comments below. Just in case you wanted to save yourself the time and didn't have time to read everything he wrote.
UnderBelly - 6/6/2024, 10:49 AM
@HermanM - Hey man, it's as i said, I have nothing agaisnt jewish people, but that doesn’t erase the fact i would like to see the people of Palestine free. I would like to see the jewish people free of conflict aswell but there needs to be a give and take...me personally though, i was born christian but i don't follow it nor would i follow any religion at this point...look at how much conflict exist in the world because of it. I know not everyone is evil and alot of peope can get along, but dam i just hate the state of things.

Putin better drop that nuke soon and give us all a reset...

I'm joking...

or am i??? 🥴
HermanM - 6/6/2024, 10:57 AM
@UnderBelly - I know you don't. But criticizing them at all, even when they're carrying out a genocide, makes you "anti jewish" according to them.


If that's the criteria then so be it though. I'd rather be called a name by people supporting genocide than support them carrying out a genocide. They ironically invoke the holocaust to justify the holocaust they are carrying out against Palestine and to justify warmongering.

As for Putin using a nuke....I wouldn't count on that. The only people who have ever used a nuke are the USA at the behest of zionists. I'd count on them/Israel using one before Russia or anyone else ever does. They're the only ones who have any precedent for it.

Pathogen - 6/6/2024, 2:09 PM
@HermanM - I do support the existence of Israel. If you read carefully, instead of just waiting for an opportunity to jump in with ready-made and tinted links, you'd have read that I don't condone nor support the government or the death toll.

its ok, though, I know it fits your narrative to call everyone who supports Israel a "zionist" w/out really knowing what it means. Its trendy, catchy, and it makes you feel good about yourself pretending to be a knowledgeable "activist"
Keep drinking the cool-aid
Pathogen - 6/6/2024, 2:12 PM
@UnderBelly - You can't be free of conflict until you excise both extreme factions..any terrorist group, whether funded by Iran or not, as well as the hard right government currently in power in Israel.
To hell with both of them.

I will not say [frick] you, no matter your stance, because that would negate a middle, peaceful attitude that is sorely lacking in the world
HermanM - 6/6/2024, 2:27 PM
@Pathogen - I did read your comments. You said earlier that you are a zionist jew. I understand that.

I am also keenly aware of what a zionist is, and yes, I am also aware that disagreeing over Israel's strategy doesn't make any one less of a zionist. That would be as silly as saying that Hitler is less of a nazi for disagreeing with Goerring on nazi policy; it is irrelevant because the goals are the same, it is just the methods that are bickered over.

Likewise with zionism...

A zionist is someone who supports the jewish state and its supremacy in the middle east. In short, it is jewish supremacy expressed through the jewish state being conducted from Israel instead of only as a diaspora. They may disagree over the methods, but agree on the goals.
UnderBelly - 6/6/2024, 3:20 PM
@Pathogen - "....I will not say [frick] you, no matter your stance, because that would negate a middle, peaceful attitude"

I 100% agree, so when you take back that 'i know better than you' attitude because you read your quota of books and been to a couple countries opposite a person with another view or background that doesn't align with your view of 'correct terminology' I'll be happy to rescind my [frick] you and meet you on common ground for an honest discussion. Until then, don't ever assume you know more or are better than the next person.

Just because i say 'Free Palestine' it doesn't mean i'm wishing death on the jewish community.

Peace be with you.
Pathogen - 6/6/2024, 3:42 PM
@UnderBelly - At least you didn't say "from the river to the sea", which means (at best) the ethnic cleansing of my family, but more likely a true genocide
Pathogen - 6/6/2024, 3:44 PM
@HermanM - The existence of Israel is justified by a great many reasons. The superiority is not, and most Jews think this way. Forget the nonsense of "God's chosen people", and whatever archaic beliefs the religious ones can come up with.
Superiority of a people should never be the goal. I'm assuming you meant that, rather than defensive/offensive superiority, or the superiority of advancements/innovations, etc
UnderBelly - 6/6/2024, 3:50 PM
@Pathogen - That's the response one gives when they have nothing better to say or add or to even acknowledge the point made.
HermanM - 6/6/2024, 4:00 PM
@Pathogen - If you really want the supremacist ethnostate of Israel to exist, then how about building it in Madagascar or someplace where there's not already civilizations of people living for 1000s of years?

That was the jews' biggest mistake with Israel.

If you're a secular jew and don't believe in the chosen people mumbo jumbo and can let go of that, then why not let go of the claim from the same sources that says you're entitles to squat on somebody else's land and genocide the rightful inhabitants?
captainwalker - 6/6/2024, 5:43 PM
@Pathogen - LOL, God is not a real estate agent.
captainwalker - 6/6/2024, 5:43 PM
@UnderBelly - They cry out in pain as they strike you .....
EmilioLargo - 6/6/2024, 6:03 PM
@HermanM - i would like to point out that Madagascar has 3 times the population of israel (albeit at 1/10th of density), so i would suggest it’s a bad idea doing settler's colonialism there too. But also, apartheid ethnostates are a bad idea in anywhere.
HermanM - 6/6/2024, 6:49 PM
@EmilioLargo - OK, so set it up in a place uninhabited by a civilization then, ifthey really insist on having it.

For decades, jews have lectured everyone on the evils of colonialism and apartheid, then they turn around and set up a place much worse than anything ever seen under either, they set up a literal supremacist ethnostate while claiming that they learned from history to not repeat the mistakes of the past.

Zionism is not colonialism: Israel is not making colonies of Palestine. It is trying to wipe it out and remove or kill the people who were there. This is not like European colonialism, which sought to administer and economically benefit from areas populated by non-Europeans. Israel's real colonies are the United States and Europe.

Zionism is not apartheid: Apartheid simply means separation. The two state solution is apartheid, and that is what everyone supports! And this makes sense. Because in a racial conflict, the most sensible solution is to separate the races. But Israel will never agree to this because they want all of the land. White South Africans and White Americans never had any intention of genociding Blacks. They simply wanted separation.

The truth is that Israel is a genocidal state. Its purpose is not economic exploitation or separation. Its purpose is the complete wiping out of another people and the taking of their land. There are no analogies to this in history.
Radders - 6/7/2024, 9:17 AM
@HermanM - Fyi Islam is less than 1000 years old and Judaism is about 4000, if you're talking about colonialism your pointing it the wrong direction because the Jews were there first.

Also Israel isn't an ethnostate, its a diverse democracy - Palestine (a name based on an insult to Jews) on the other hand is a terrorist run, authoritarian, ethnostate who are actually commited to genocide.

I think maybe you need to look up the word "genocide" because, as bad as it is, and I agree with you on that, that isn't whats happening.

What's your solution? A terrorist run dictatorship dedicated to your complete annihilation, fire rockets into your country almost every night (killing their own people whilst doing it) then invade a peace festival, attack and murder over 1000 men woman and children (babies no less) kidnap 250 of them parade them in the streets to a baying crowd and say they will do that over and over again...how would you respond to that?
Pathogen - 6/7/2024, 12:06 PM
@captainwalker - 100% agree
Pathogen - 6/7/2024, 12:08 PM
@HermanM - Well, by that logic, I need to look for houses overseas and give my land back to the Native Americans. Canadians to the First Nations. Thats the easiest example.
The Jews are there now, as the "Palestinians" and others were after the Jews.
Why are the Jews the only people on this Earth that must give their land away? Why is the world so bent on keeping the Jews migratory?
Pathogen - 6/7/2024, 12:11 PM
@UnderBelly - Will I convince you? Are you even open to me showing the flaws in your logic, understanding, and historical context?
Like a Trump supporter, truth matters very little once an opinion is formed in this conflict.
I'm all for open, honest conversation. But online trolls have nothing to offer besides regurgitated propaganda taken out of context or just flat out lies, or they latch on to an "a-ha!" moment when an exception to the rule happens in their narrative favor.
its silly.
UnderBelly - 6/7/2024, 12:28 PM
@Pathogen - "Will I convince you? Are you even open to me showing the flaws in your logic, understanding, and historical context?"

That right there is your problem. You come from an angle where you immediately think you need to be the one to teach or convince, trying to correct one's terminology because you were triggered to respond by a comment/text you dont like seeing repeatedly.

Your approach was not one of equal footing or even asking a question to open up the topic, but to try and correct me from the get go because from you view you're already right and not actually open to the possibility there's more to it or that seperate views can exist.

Whats that famous hebrew saying...
A fool says what he knows, a wise man knows what he says.

Do better, no need to bring the Trump or the mockery of US politics into this.
Pathogen - 6/7/2024, 12:39 PM
@UnderBelly - Exactly so. Thank you for bringing that quote up. I haven't said what I know, but I definitely back up what I know to be true.
Most of your premise on Israel is incorrect. We can agree at the egregious loss of life, the horror being enacted. That the Israeli government is going too far, no matter the precautions it has taken, no matter how willingly Hamas is pushing its people into the line of fire.
We may even agree that Israel is losing this war, will lose even if they kill every terrorists member hiding behind the women and kids. They are now branded as the evil.
Unfortuantely, we will never agree on the root cause, on both sides. The extreme right of the Israeli government, and the willingness of Hamas to sacrifice its people, pay its people to die, etc..all in the vein of creating the myth that they are freedom fighters instead of the monsters they really are.
UnderBelly - 6/7/2024, 12:43 PM
@Pathogen - I still don't see you acknowledging my point on your approach, or a denial for that matter.. a narcissistic trait maybe or maybe youre not the type to admit when they're wrong.

Anyway.. i never suggested otherwise about Hamas, but again...not those poor innocent people only problem.
UnderBelly - 6/7/2024, 12:45 PM
@UnderBelly - and please point out to me what i said about isreal that is factually incorrect...
HermanM - 6/7/2024, 1:05 PM
@Pathogen - Well, it isn't their land, and there's already a civilization there to begin with, and the cost of the jews keeping it isn't worth the innocent lives they are bombing to death at thus very moment. Jews themselves don't even want to go there and won't want to go back after October 7th.

As for the native indians, they're all still here in America, they live in Mexico and have designated reservations and treaties with the US government. They're not literally being bombed to death like the jews are doing to the Palestinians.

There's also no comparison between the Ottoman Empire, one of the greatest civilizations in history, and the American indians, who practiced cannibalism, human sacrifice, and incest, and did not even know what horses were until white people from Spain brought them to this continent. Compare that to the jews, who have never created a great civilization. They are good at taking them over, but not great at managing them (see american decline).

You're also misrepresenting how zionism works deliberately: zionism says that the jews can have a supremacist ethnostate with diplomatic immunity to conduct world rule from while also being a diaspora in multiple countries that rules them as well and prevents them from remaining sovereign. Zionism, which is just jewish supremacy, only believes in sovereignty for jews.
HermanM - 6/7/2024, 2:27 PM
@Radders - Judaism as it exists today is only about 2000 years old, however, this isn't a question of whose religion is older or whose deity is better, it is a question of one race genociding another and exploiting America into supporting them while they do it.

Judaism is not an open religion that seeks converts to evangelize/proselytize like Christianity or Islam, it is a closed religion centered around ethnic supremacy that operates the way the "made man" theory does in gangsterism; in short, unless you will be very beneficial to jews as a community, you can't convert to being a jew, you can only be born a jew. It is an ethno-religion and they will even tell you that. "I'm jewish but not religious," I'm sure you have heard this said. That's because it is a religion centered around an ethnicity or rather community.


The needs of the many out weigh the needs of the few. The entire middle east and rest of the world being held hostage and thrown into chaos so that Israel can squat on land they believe is theirs according to the books they wrote about themselves is beneficial only to a tyrannical tiny minority of the world. In the interest of world peace, the jews should set up their vanity project, Israel, elsewhere if they are so bent on having their own supremacist ethnostate.

The jews were never the original people in Palestine, they were allowed to occupy a portion of it as a region of their own under the Roman Empire, until they tried to overthrow Rome again in 70 A.D. and lost it and were scattered abroad for 2000 years. Since then, natives in the region have been the majority there and it has become majority Arabic Muslim and Christian, home to the oldest Christian community in the world.

It is also a lie that it was never called Palestine, as the jews who lived there even referred to themselves as Palestinians in their own zionist propaganda films like the movie Exodus. If Palestine doesn't exist, what is the Balfour Declaration partitioning for the jewish Rothchilds for the zionist project? Official documents and everywhere prior to the turn of the century acknowledges it as Palestine and rightfully so.

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The claim that Palestine never existed is a genocidal zionist strategy to deny a people their right to self determination and existence. First you say they never existed, that their culture never existed, then you justify killing them because to you they're not even human and "don't exist" anyway.

Israel is indeed a supremacist ethnostate that is ran by and for jews, where a minority of non jews lives, usually as shabbos goyim servants. They have no agency or political and institutional influence, they are second class citizens at best. Israel will only allow abortions for mixed race kids and non jews. Jews themselves are not permitted to abort in most cases.

Palestine has some of the highest educated women in the world, but Israel goes out of its way to destroy educational centers in Palestine to prevent knowledge from spreading since they know it makes them harder to defeat if they are a well educated people:



As for your last question, a one state solution with a Palestian majority where the jews are forced to mix and learn the values of diversity the way they expect everyone else to is one way to go about it.

That's what they did to the US in the 1960s:

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Forced integration at gunpoint. Why does Israel get to be exempt from the diversity they champion in everyone else's country, but build giant walls with automated machine gun towers to keep diversity out of their own?

https://media2.salon.com/2018/05/israels-separation-wall.jpg" alt="User Comment Image" />

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Meanwhile, the US border:

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Chuck Schumer, a zionist jew, is for strong borders for Israel but open borders for America, Europe, China, and pretty much everywhere else:

Alejandro Mayorkas is the same way. Here he is with Biden talking about how great it will be to make white people (who are less than 9% of the world population) into a minority in the USA:

Trump and his administration want the same thing, this is a bipartisan issue for them. It is disgusting, hypocritical, and shows who America belongs to. The US and Europe are Israel's actual colonies, it is where they grow their soldiers and extract resources for their ongoing genocide and greater Israel plans for the middle east.

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Israel's goal for Palestine is not economic exploitation or separation. Its purpose is the complete wiping out of another people and the taking of their land. There are no analogies to this in history.
Dotanuki - 6/6/2024, 7:11 AM
Garbage music.
MarkCassidy - 6/6/2024, 7:26 AM
I would advise not listening to the song 😂
UnderBelly - 6/6/2024, 7:29 AM
@MarkCassidy - I wasn't going to until you said not too. 🤣🤣. It's just generic (and dare i say 'Americanised') pop trash, but teenagers i'm sure will find it catchy.
dragon316 - 6/6/2024, 9:03 AM
@UnderBelly - sounds like rap pop sounds better from 90 who knows with music of this generation
bkmeijer1 - 6/6/2024, 11:50 AM
@UnderBelly - it's the same every year with Isarrael at Eurovision. Probably part of the reason why they always end in the top 10
Apophis71 - 6/6/2024, 12:26 PM
@bkmeijer1 - Not to get into any debate here but a point of fact, they don't always end in the top 10 and didn't even qualify in 22', knocked out in the semi's prior to the main contest, year before that 17th, 2019 and 2017 they were 23rd out of 26 finalists, 2016 they were 14th after about six prior years failing to qualify so only been in the top ten 6 times in the last 25years in a comp that only has 26 finalists out of a total of upto 43 entries.

At one point they were in the top ten a lot but then when it started out the comp only had seven entries and only gotten up to 17 entries first time they took part back in 73', lol.
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