TASM : Am I A Fanboy Who Can't See The Truth Or Is What I Am Seeing The Real Deal ? (Editorial)

TASM : Am I A Fanboy Who Can't See The Truth Or Is What I Am Seeing The Real Deal ? (Editorial)

In this article, I will go over what I like and what concerns me, in regards, to The Amazing Spider-Man.

Editorial Opinion
By Ashes2Phoenix - May 26, 2012 05:05 PM EST
Filed Under: Spider-Man

Well, we are only 38 days away from The Amazing Spider-Man release and my anticipation is going through the roof. With this though I am also starting to fear that the fanboy in me may be over riding the reality of the situation. In this article, I will go over how I feel about the film so far and what concerns me.

The Good:

Everything I have seen of this film so far has impressed me. I was one of the only ones who enjoyed the " knife scene" clip. The reason why I enjoyed it is because I found it somewhat relatable. If I was in that position of power, I would probably act exactly the same way Spidey does. Extremely cock sure and sarcastic. To me that scene screamed Spider-Man, including his trademark sarcasm. Though some feel the dialogue was not very good, I personally don't see it. I mean he is a teenage kid who is basically playing around with his powers, of course he is going to say some pretty off the wall statements. It felt natural to me but I can appreciate that some may have not liked it.

Today leaked footage from the 6 minute preview trailer was released and it focused on Peter and Gwen. Again I really enjoyed the interaction with the these two characters. They portray a wonderful sense of chemistry and I find it rather refreshing. This is not a bash at the Raimi trilogy because I really enjoyed number one and two but the sense of chemistry between Peter and MJ was just not that strong, in my opinion. I always felt like MJ came across as a really annoying plot device, just put in there to torment poor Peter. In each film she was always the main reason why Spidey would swing into action to save the day. In Spider-Man 2, I found the wise words from Aunt May (favourite scene in the entire trilogy, it hit a real emotional cord with me) were contradicted by Peter. " Sometimes we have to give up the things we want the most, even our dreams". This was great line which was then twisted by the plot. Peter only gains his powers back once MJ is in danger and not because of the peril the city was facing. For me that didn't sit well because at that point he is only becoming Spider-Man again for his own personal gains.

I hope in this new film Gwen is a much stronger character for Peter and by the looks of it she may be just that. Of course, I am only basing this on a minute long clip but I am hoping that clip is a sign of the strong relationship and bond, Peter and Gwen will have.

Action-wise it is looking very good. The swinging in particular looks like it will be the highlight of the film. I find it to be truly breathtaking. The sense of momentum and gravity is astounding. I am also really liking the visual style Marc Webb is going for with this film. I find it extremely creative and dynamic. If a director is willing to put so much time into making their film visually stylised it obviously shows they care, which is a very important factor when making any film. The colours are vibrant and it looks like moving art at points, giving it that unique and quirky comic book vibe.

Okay this particular subject is something most people on this site would expect me to put under "THE BAD" category. The Lizard's design has been one of the most scrutinised aspects of this film. Some like it, whilst others hate it. I am between those two extremes. I would say I am content. The shot above is slowly pulling me towards really liking it and if it is an example of what The Lizard looks like on film, then I am satisfied. The level of detail on this character design is impressive and I feel it deserves more recognition than it is being given. The thing is people have complained they have not given him the lab coat, yet recently we learned he would feature the lab coat in certain parts of the film. People are still complaining "we don't have" a snout but I really don't see that as a particularly big issue. What should be the main concern is whether this villain will be a compelling adversary to the web-head, which we will only know once we have seen it for ourselves.

Another aspect people would put under "THE BAD" category is the changes to the origin. I personally don't have a problem with this because it means we are going to be given a fresh new take. I actually would have been disappointed if we were going to be given the same old origin story yet again. There is also a snippet of an interview with Marc Webb, which I think is important to take note of :

Q: In the comics, Uncle Ben's death is really the catalyst for Peter becoming Spider-Man. From the trailer it seems the search for the truth about his parents is the catalyst.

Webb: The first domino in the story is the parents. He goes out looking for his father and finds himself. That's my tagline. But Uncle Ben, of course, and his death... well, you have to see the movie! But, there's three elements that Marvel was very protective of and I think are very important parts of the Spider-Man origin story. Uncle Ben's death transforms him and has a huge impact on him. That's an incredibly important part of the mythology. I would never subvert that. That's all I'll say about that.

I think this clearly tells us that the fundamentals of the character will still be intact, they will just be told differently.

The Bad :

There are not many bad points for me but there is something I can't shake. The rumours about the executives hating the film and mixed reactions after screenings. I personally don't know what to make of this. One-side of me says this isn't true, whilst the other says it might be. If it is, I really hope it is over something silly and not something that means this will turn out to be a bad film. I would be completely gutted if that was the case. This is my most anticipated film of the year. Many of you were anticipating The Avengers, like I am with this film and how do you think you would have felt, if that had turned out to be a disaster ? Not good.

I personally can't see how this would turn out to be a bad film because everything I have seen, has lead me to believe it will be good, if not great. The thing is, if this film does turn out awful it could really hurt the Spider-Man franchise and make it end up like the previous Batman series. I don't think this will be the case but again it is something I will have to play by ear.

Right now I am trying to think of reasons why this film would be bad and I am having a hard time doing so. Again this could be a product of my fanboyism but I am genuinely trying to think of why, not to like this film.

Maybe because I am such a fanboy I have been blinded from the truth but even trying to think rationally I can't see how this film is going to turn out bad. To be fair there is another 120 minutes we have not seen, so there is plenty of time for the film to slip up, so I guess we will have to wait and see.

So now to ask you my fellow CBMembers. What do you like and want do you not like ? Do you think the executives hate it or is it just a wild rumour ?

I am curious to know.

Also as a little thank you for everyone who has read my articles regarding The Amazing Spider-Man I give to you a trailer I made for the upcoming movie, using the 90's animated theme.

SPIDER-MAN 4: Rumored Details On The Kingpin's Role And VENOM: THE LAST DANCE's Mystery Villain

SPIDER-MAN 4: Rumored Details On The Kingpin's Role And VENOM: THE LAST DANCE's Mystery Villain

SPIDER-MAN 4 Rumored To Be Closing In On A Director...But Will The Venom Symbiote Make An Appearance?
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95 - 5/26/2012, 6:28 PM
I've got an on-and-off-again relationship with this movie. Like you, I question whether or not my optimism for this project blinds me from truth. There's a lot of good things I've heard dealing with film, and then every so often some bad picture or rumor goes around making me question.
mayo23 - 5/26/2012, 8:40 PM
The bad might just have to do with how the film was edited and how the story is portrayed. If you think about it, this is a very heavy story and if not cohesively edited can be very convoluted and messy, tonally and story-wise.
95 - 5/26/2012, 10:08 PM

Yeah. The pacing of the film could kill it. Best of luck to the film's editors.
Ha1frican - 5/27/2012, 5:43 AM
The only thing that worries me is I seems they are doin the same experimental origin as Hulk 2003... other than that looks heads and shoulders aboe the raimi films
DukeAcureds - 5/27/2012, 6:48 AM
Internet fanboy comment of the year, so far. Nice one.
Ha1frican - 5/27/2012, 11:19 AM
@TankD well a major part of the character is that he's a kid struggling with balancing being spider-man and being a student so.... why wouldn't he be?
GiantNerd - 5/27/2012, 12:24 PM
@just1superguy That definitely was one of the greatest comments i've ever read.
MarsivNayr - 5/28/2012, 11:19 AM

And that's all that is for now…speculation.

I find it weird that people are getting all butt-hurt about the supposed "Hulk" origin copy whatchamathingie. It may look that way, but just because an "inferior" film did it doesn't mean it'll bring this film down in any way, shape, or form. So far it looks like they've got a good story to tell, and Marc Webb can handle good story telling.
spiderman2020 - 5/28/2012, 12:14 PM
Everything in this movie looks amazing
Tymminator - 5/28/2012, 6:07 PM
This movie just might surprise people...
mrexcellent - 5/28/2012, 8:50 PM

As always, it was a pleasure to read your editorial. I agreed with everything you said. A lot of people have been complaining because they’re worried Uncle Ben’s death won’t carry the significance and impact that it’s supposed to. Namely because it has become clear now that Peter will be Spider-man before Ben dies (I think, I thought it was confirmed but I don’t remember how). But that article you posted, which is a great read in its entirety, totally debunks that fear for me. I know that many have argued the subject before, about whether or not it matters that Peter is Spider-man before Uncle Ben dies, so long as his death has a big impact on him. Some feel that it’s not just about the big impact, they feel that it’s about the fact that Ben’s death is the one thing that changed his attitude toward crime fighting. I’m not one of those people though. Having read a lot of Spider-man comics, I think the spirit of the character is still there, and I’m open to some creative expansion in the movie verse.

As far as the “Ang Lee” approach to the origin, here’s the thing. So far, we’re still looking at rumors that were born from various interpretations of the released footage. Suppose we’re right though, and they are going the Ang Lee route. Was the idea that Lee used in his Hulk movie “bad” in and of itself? I don’t think so. I think that with the right execution, it would’ve worked just fine. I recently re-watched Ang Lee’s Hulk. As I watched it I thought, “I really don’t like this movie… but the pseudo-science aspect of it is surprisingly thorough. Kind of impressive.”

It wasn’t the genetic experimentation that killed the Hulk movie. It was how Ang Lee told the story of how it all happened. Lee had some very off putting artistic choices when it came to editing the movie, and in terms of acting, he captured some very sub par performances from what was otherwise a very excellent cast: Sam Elliot, Jennifer Connelly, Eric Bana, Nick Nolte. Watching that film made me feel as though everyone was overly aware of the fact, that they were making a comic book movie, and that somehow they needed to ham up their performances (not Eric Bana so much). I know I said it earlier, but it has to be said again. The movie was edited into oblivion with Lee’s excessive use of moving split screens. It was distracting and off-putting. I definitely like the idea of moving split screens and I’m open to creative liberties with the traditional still-cam format though. Matthew Vaughn did some really cool stuff in Kick Ass and X-Men First Class. I actually really enjoyed Zack Snyder’s approach to Watchmen too, controversial as that movie has been. Anyway, that’s my opinion on the Ang Lee approach. The way Webb uses it will determine whether or not it works out, nothing is wrong with the idea itself.

I fully believe that Peter Parker will be a normal kid with a brilliant mind. I have no problem with his parents being big shots in one way or another, because Peter’s experience has been growing up with his aunt and uncle under modest conditions. I’m just keeping my fingers crossed that the creative liberties that have been taken work out well. TASM is also my most anticipated movie this year. Or, it was a 3 way tie actually. I was really pumped up about Avengers, but now that I’ve seen the movie a couple of times, my remaining two are TDKR and TASM. Spidey is my favorite character though, and I’m super excited to see what Marc Webb did with the characters. His “(500) Days of Summer” really had an impact on me when I watched it, and I’m dying to see his take on the Peter Parker element of the Spider-man mythos.
mrexcellent - 5/28/2012, 9:48 PM
I should clarify. I do agree that in the comics, it's super clear that Uncle Ben's death is what causes Peter Parker to use his powers for good as Spider-man.

What I meant to say is that, I do not believe that the story will suffer because Marc Webb decided to go a different route. I think a great story can still be told from all of this, one that is still true to the heart of Spider-man as a character. It's kind of like the Ang Lee thing I was talking about earlier. It's all in the execution of the idea; the idea of having Peter be Spider-man before Uncle Ben dies isn't bad in and of itself.
PeterParker1991 - 5/29/2012, 1:09 PM
The good: Humor, web-shooters, Gwen Stacy, untold story,

Bad: Nothing

Bring. It. On.
PeterParker1991 - 5/29/2012, 1:10 PM
Nice article btw.
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