The Amazing Spider-Man: Strengths

The Amazing Spider-Man: Strengths

I tell my thoughts on part two, what I felt would've made it better and the four big strengths that most films must have, superhero/action films in particular that The Amazing Spider-Man series has over the rest of the genre. Spoiler heavy

Editorial Opinion
By EdgyOutsider - May 04, 2014 11:05 PM EST
Filed Under: Spider-Man

Everyeone here knows that I am a defender of the Marc Webb Spider-Man films and I think that the reboot is better than the original films. The Amazing Spider-Man 2 while a weaker film, is still solid and fun entertainment. The villains are weak, some bad dialogue here and there is a bad pun from Electro in Times Square. That being said, I overall liked it and cried when Gwen died.  The film would've been better if it was a more dramatic film and only focused on Peter's parents and their ties with Oscorp, relationship with Norman, Peter balancing his life as Spider-Man with everything else as well as his relationships with Gwen, Aunt May and Harry. Plus, throw in Harry's desperation because of his disease with Gwen's death and you get a sequel better than not only the predecessor but also a potentially more critically acclaimed film. The film should've ended with the question and hope of where is Spider-Man and will he return with Spider-Man 3 being solely about Peter moving on, meeting Mary Jane, him officially working at the Daily Bugle, his relationship with Aunt May and the origin and rivlary with Eddie Brock and eventually Venom. But, that's just me. Let's get to the meat and heart of this editorial as I look at what makes the Marc Webb films not only so good but also better than most superhero films.


Sure, you have some iconic performances from Robert Downey Jr, J.K Simmons, Heath Ledger, etc. But, with at least a solid script, you need a cast that brings their A game. This section will be continued and expanded upon in the next. That being said: The Amazing Spider-Man films have the best overall cast performances and best overall casts in superhero films. Don't mistake these films as my favorites, they just show potential of the superhero genre with this sort of talent. Mark my words, Andrew Garfield will get an Oscar one day. Boy A and Never Let Me Go show the massive possibility in that. Hell, Martin Scorsese (butchered his last name probably) is having Andrew Garfield star in his film. Plus in this superhero ensemble cast, you give Garfield Emma Stone, Dane Dehaan, Dennis Leary, Martin Sheen, Sally Field, Rhys Ifans, and Jamie Foxx and what you ultimately get is something truly special. I would bring up Paul Giamatti but, that was just awful despite him being entertaining in the role. What these actors have all together is chemistry but bring their A game which makes you believe in these characters with the help of what are ultimately solid scripts at the very least. They are so good in the roles and you believe them as the characters, you actually give a shit about the characters. Can't say that with the other superhero films. Even the Raimi Spidey films.


The original Spider-Man films have overall great themes but that doesn't make up for the lack of character development which doesn't help in the lack of substance in the films and ultimately the most over rated villain since, Darth Vader himself, Doctor Octopus. The Amazing Spider-Man wasn't a dark film. It was just a far more fanastical and dramatic Spider-Man and ultimately superhero film. Again, everything starts with the script and through the actors, etc. The effect of the drama depends on those things. The Amazing Spider-Man films' strengths greatly are found because of the script and the fact the ensemble brings in their A game and it's really what Marc Webb succeeds most at. Drama and emotion because he really does get the best out of his actors. That's why despite a rushed Goblin origin, Dehaan was the standout in The Amazing Spider-Man 2 and gave Andrew Garfield a run for his money for best actor in the franchise. The themes of a missing piece, time and promises are shown within the first two films of The Amazing Spider-Man 2 with responsibility mixed in as always because what's Spider-Man without a responsibility theme. It ultimately helps with the substance that we already have in the film and makes all the more impact if we are emotionally invested into the characters. The Amazing Spider-Man 2 broke Peter down. Time is precious and he doesn't have much time because of him dedicating his life to Spider-Man that his relationships suffer from it and he felt obligated to keep his promise to Captain Stacy which ultimately causes him guilt and torture once he does one thing Spider-Man ultimately never failed to do in the films before, saved a life. Sure you can bring up Spider-Man 2 where he didn't save a kid from the burning building but I mean someone of significance.  Yeah, I cried when Gwen died despite having known it was going to happen and having seen it leaked ahead of time. Investment in the characters along with development and overall themes with A game acting ultimately impacts on the drama and emotion which the Marc Webb films succeed in which most comic book movies fail to do while still having fun.


What's a superhero film without some style? The Amazing Spider-Man films fight sequences have more weight to them thanks to the previous two sections. The high school fight in The Amazing Spider-Man, most of the final Electro and Spider-Man fight in The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (the fight lost its appeal after a while) and Spider-Man vs Green Goblin worked because they were well coreographed, intense and they ultimately had weight to them. Not to mention it's how Spider-Man would fight in the comics and for once, a superhero has to use his brain (in particular the final fight with Electro) to defeat the villain. Couldn't use brute force unlike most superhero films. You can even see what's going on in the fights.

Character Development

The last of four major strengths that The Amazing Spider-Man films have that most of the superhero genre don't even have. The films can have weight and drama to them and still be fun and interesting at the same time. Marc Webb understands that this is  the greatestet strength to Spider-Man. Having recently turned 18 back in December, I've always been able to relate to Spider-Man and I can relate to Andrews' Peter Parker even more. While the character development of the villains are poor, we get development of Peter, Gwen and their relationship which is what truly saves the films. Let's take a look at the development of our titular hero as the prime example: Peter is shy and is a nerdy outcast who still sticks up for the underdogs, when he gets the powers he lacks responsibility and is naive, he becomes vengeful and has a personal vendetta trying to find Uncle Ben's killer but is taught about responsibility and about truly being a hero by Captain Stacy. But in Spider-Man 2 his development continues with the themes I brought up earlier about time and promises. He continues to struggle to find out what happened to his parents, find his path and once Gwen dies, he finally grows up and becomes less naive when she dies because of him and is choices. That's all in a matter of two films. Most superhero go through the generic development from part one over into and throughout part two.

Well, that's just my opinion. I don't expect many if any of you guys to agree with me but I would love to hear your guys' thoughts on the matter. Please be respectful. That's all I ask for in these editorials, even if you disagree with me. Still be brutally honest but in a respectful manner.

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IronLoki - 5/4/2014, 11:53 PM
Hmm, how did i stumble into the editorial section while in the news section :?
Reasonnnn - 5/5/2014, 12:24 AM
How did Richard get a private jet? And if they have the means to get such a thing, why didn't they leave any money for Peter's college fund? Also, why didn't Richard just put the info on a floppy/USB and give it to Uncle Ben for safekeeping instead of uploading it to a computer in a decommissioned subway train in manhattan?

This movie really sucked outside of Gwen's fate and DeHaan killing it as Harry (even though his arc was rushed like [frick]).
iMVuze - 5/5/2014, 6:15 AM
I have come to realize that there will always be this negative stigma around these movies. There is such an absurd amount of nitpicking on these movies it's ridiculous. In some reviews I read they hated the film because it didn't show Spider-Man's costume change. The only constant complaints are the too many villains bit and oh the constant comparison to Batman & Robin. Both of these are off the target but the Batman & Robin comparison is only there for flame-bait and what's good for views? nerd fights.
GuardianDevil - 5/5/2014, 6:26 AM
Well Marc Webb is still an inexperienced director, considering he's still just a novice at this point the TASM series is great. Now, if he was a seasoned film veteran and made films like TASM, THAT would be embarrassing.

If Webb becomes anything, it will be because of Spider-Man.
GuardianDevil - 5/5/2014, 6:28 AM
For the record, I like every Spider-Man movie so far. Not a single one of his films would I consider bad, and that's more than I can say for Batman, Superman, the X-Men or anyone else.
LEEE777 - 5/5/2014, 6:38 AM
Weakness is WEBB's Universe is basically the ULTIMATE SPIDEY UNIVERSE... so needs to be called Ultimate not Amazing :p

Its okay, doesn't touch Raimi's Spidey 1 & 2 ofc.

Loved to of seen a decent VENOM Spin off in that Universe with maybe Carnage!


Venom recast of course :D

GuardianDevil - 5/5/2014, 7:06 AM
I agree with this article in many ways though, even though I will always stand by Spider-Man 2 as the best Spidey film. TASM isn't bad at all...
Thing94 - 5/5/2014, 7:25 AM
Webb needs to step it up for Amazing Spider-Man 3. Part 2 was an improvement over part 1, I expect the same for part 3. After 3 get another director and new Peter.
fastflames - 5/5/2014, 7:52 AM
Bring back Sam Raimi, that would be a strength.
Bearjew - 5/5/2014, 9:15 AM
You know I don't think it was at all as bad as it was made out to be, in fact it was the closest thing to actual Spider-Man comics we've ever had on the big screen, in terms of action scale, humor, and color. I didn't like the Goblin's outfit and I hope Norman Osborn returns as the real Goblin. But by the end of it I was holding back tears, no Spider-Man movie has hit me that hard emotionally, some of the action cues were a little weird and the pacing was off but overall Gwen and Peter's relationship was the heart of the movie... sayonara [foo foo]s.
Wallymelon - 5/5/2014, 9:43 AM
Yo I disagree. Webb can only make a romantic film. He doesn't have the vision for these blockbusters which is why Sony comes in and says add all this crap. He can't say no cuz he doesn't really care that much. He loves peter and Gwen. Likes spidey. And it shows. I don't think it's the best overall cast or performances. That would go to the dark knight trilogy. And I only like two out of 3 of those films. The dialogue in the TASM series is awful the action is awful there is no development of character.

You're allowed to like a film and have your opinions but don't state it as fact when it isn't.
EdgyOutsider - 5/5/2014, 10:08 AM
@Wallymelon: As far as performances go from an ensemble, to me this is the best of the superhero genre. In my mind, it is fact but I know it's not because it's all subjective. I wrote what I believe in as anyone should. Ya know?
MightyZeus - 5/5/2014, 9:52 PM
The film was basically average. Sure there where some good stuff with in the film eg. Spider-man showing up in the beginning, Spider-man just being Spider-man from the comics and the suit looks incredible, the fight scenes look great, the romance between Peter and Gwen Stacey had great chemistry and everything that happened with in the clock tower was handled remarkably. I prefer Garfield's Spidey too Tobey's.

I don't blame Marc Webb for the film i actually blame the screen writers. There is just way too many plots. Also this film just feels like a full length trailer for a set up of the Sinister Six just like how Iron Man 2 was a commercial for The Avengers. If you analyse the film as a whole you realize there is no need for Electro besides for Spider-man too fight him. I also the writers should have given more thought into Electro's backstory rather than have him be a carbon copy of The Riddler from Batman Forever.
MightyZeus - 5/5/2014, 9:53 PM
I actually prefer TASM too TASM 2.
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