Kirsten Dunst Really Wishes Sony Would Have Gone Ahead With SPIDER-MAN 4; Weighs In On The Reboots
Earlier this month, in a lengthy profile with Variety, 2x Golden Globe-nominee Kirsten Dunst spent a few moments reminiscing about her role in Sam Raimi's critically acclaimed Spider-Man trilogy.
In all my years, there is no movie I've ever wanted to see get made more than Spider-Man 4, which would've been the fourth installment in Sam Raimi's beloved Spider-Man trilogy, and it appears as though one of the film's stars feels the same way.
While speaking with Variety earlier this month, 2x Golden Globe-nominated star Kirsten Dunst, for the first time in a long while, reminisced about her career-defining role as Mary Jane Watson in the critically acclaimed film series before expressing her regret at not being able to make another entry after 2007. "I wanted to be in that movie so badly. I loved it, and I wish we could have made a fourth.”
Sadly, it was never meant to be as after the potential film began development in 2008, it ran into a myriad of issues, primarily with an inability to crack the script, and was ultimately scrapped by the studio in January 2010 in favor of a new rebooted series about a younger Peter Parker. At the time, Raimi revealed the sound reasoning behind the unfortunate breakup, admitting his exhaustion after making three blockbuster entries. "It really was the most amicable and undramatic of breakups: It was simply that we had a deadline and I couldn't get the story to work on a level that I wanted it to work. I was very unhappy with Spider-Man 3, and I wanted to make Spider-Man 4 to end on a very high note, the best Spider-Man of them all. But I couldn't get the script together in time, due to my own failings, and I said to Sony, "I don't want to make a movie that is less than great, so I think we shouldn't make this picture. Go ahead with your reboot, which you've been planning anyway. And [Sony co-chairman] Amy Pascal said, "Thank you. Thank you for not wasting the studio's money, and I appreciate your candor." So we left on the best of terms, both of us trying to do the best thing for fans, the good name of Spider-Man, and Sony Studios.""
As for Dunst, her feelings on the new reboots are fairly cut and dried. "I don’t care,” she told the trade while also admitting she hadn't seen the most recent one. “Everyone likes our ‘Spider-Man.’ C’mon, am I right or what? Listen, I’d rather be in the first ones than the new ones.”
So, what do you guys think? How badly did you want to see Spider-Man 4? Or are The Amazing and Homecoming reboots more your speed? Sound off with your thoughts below!