MORBIUS Is Currently The Second Most Popular Movie On Netflix

MORBIUS Is Currently The Second Most Popular Movie On Netflix

It's Morbin' time, indeed. Despite a critical lambasting, Sony Pictures' Morbius has clearly developed a cult following, which is evident from the movie's placing on Netflix's most-watched list...

By MarkCassidy - Sep 13, 2022 09:09 AM EST
Filed Under: Morbius

Morbius did not receive a warm welcome (Baltic would be more accurate) from critics when it hit theaters earlier this year, but the Sony Pictures Spider-Man spinoff did fare slightly better with audiences, and has since gone on to find a loyal cult following.

Whether the majority of fans actually believe the movie is better than its reputation suggests or are simply having a bit of fun is obviously up for debate, but either way, Morbius' measly 15% Rotten Tomatoes critics score stands in stark contrast to the audience's 71%.

The studio attempted to capitalize by re-releasing Morbius in theaters, and while that turned out to be a huge misstep, the movie has proved to be very popular on Netflix.

The Jared Leto-starrer has been climbing up the streaming charts since debuting on the platform on September 9, and now sits at second place in its Top 10 film list behind the Netflix Original film, End of the Road.

There's a decent chance a lot of people who skipped Morbius in theaters are simply tuning in to see just how bad it actually is, but we'll see if it manages to hold on to this position over the next few weeks.

A direct sequel is still highly unlikely after its dismal box office performance, but that doesn't mean we won't see Leto return as The Living Vampire in whatever unholy team-up movie the studio seemed to be threatening in that post-credits scene.

Did you guys give Morbius another watch on Netflix?

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UniqNo - 9/13/2022, 9:49 AM
I personally don't think the movie was as terrible as it's been made out to be. It's watchable. The terrible tag with vulture was cringe though.

Vigor - 9/13/2022, 10:05 AM
@UniqNo - super forced!
thewanderer - 9/13/2022, 10:11 AM
@UniqNo - Agreed, it's not great but it's also not awful.

Morbius >>>>>> Venom 2
UniqNo - 9/13/2022, 10:34 AM
@thewanderer - Yeah, i'm sure the countless delays didn't help it's cold reception during the intial release, but it's definitley something you can watch to kill some time. Agreed on it being better than Venom , I'll even argue it's better than Spider-man 3 ('07)
Origame - 9/13/2022, 10:40 AM
@UniqNo - honestly most of the memes about it don't even require knowing what happens in the movie to make, so people are just kinda joking about the premise without actually seeing it.
Razorface1 - 9/13/2022, 10:50 AM
@UniqNo - Thing we gotta remember is, a movie can be absolutely terrible and still be a competent enough general-audience-action-movie.
UniqNo - 9/13/2022, 10:59 AM
@Razorface1 - I dunno about all that. A bad movie is a bad movie.

It certainly didn't perform well but i think that's down to a number of other factors with the countless delays, the over marketing of it and it being another Sony spider-verse entry. I just don't think it really deserve all the flack.

It's certainly no award contender or anything like that but it was much more solid that some of ther stuff we usually get.
Razorface1 - 9/13/2022, 11:31 AM
@UniqNo - Interesting. What would be the "other stuff" compared to it?
UniqNo - 9/13/2022, 11:55 AM
@Razorface1 - of that genre.

Venom 1 and 2, spider-mam 3, most of the transformers movies, the latest Thors 2 and 4, . That's just off the top of my head of one's I've been dissapointed in.

Like I said, the movie was not amazing but doesn't deserve the negative narrative it's encompassed by.
bkmeijer1 - 9/13/2022, 9:55 AM
Maybe it's like slowing down on the highway to watch the aftermath of a car crash. You know you shouldn't, but something compels you to watch it anyway.
StSteven - 9/13/2022, 11:56 AM
@bkmeijer1 - Damn! You beat me to it. I need to quit my stupid job so that it doesn't get in the way of my posting 😳.
bkmeijer1 - 9/13/2022, 2:34 PM
@StSteven - if you quit your job, you'll don't have to ride home anymore (since you're always home then) and can't slow down to watch accidents. You can watch Morbius all you want though then, which is the same thing.
StSteven - 9/13/2022, 3:37 PM
@bkmeijer1 - Ah, but see I work from home (the only time I ever going the office is to get tech support and it's only like 5 mins away so not much in the way of accidents there). My previous job was like a 25 minute commute including a major highway, so there was plenty to gawk at there, but now-a-days to get my fix I've had to wander through the neighborhood at night snatching up realistic looking lawn animals and setting them up in the street in front of my house. Then I can watch with glee while the cars swerve to avoid them and end up hitting the speed limit sign or, if I'm lucky, one of the trees in the median in front of my house. Sure, it's good for a laugh but it's not the same thing. I've got an old car left over from college that I was planning to use as a trade-in when I get my new car, but it's only worth like $1000. I suppose that I could rig it up with a brick on the gas and launch it going the wrong way down the street right as an oncoming car turns down the street, but that's sounds like a lot of work and I could only do it so many times before the car it totaled, so I don't know. Maybe I could spice it up by putting one of my old TVs inside the car and have it playing "Mobius" while it collides with another car, that way I'd be watching a car accident within a car accident. That would be cool. I'll give it some thought...
bkmeijer1 - 9/13/2022, 5:21 PM
@StSteven - so you do have all the time to watch Morbius. Or if you're going for a walk, just listen to the audio track?

Also, just put the tv playing Morbius on the sidewalk. People will look and might crash, giving you something to look at. Or just look at people being confused by a tv on the sidewalk. That should already be interesting to watch.
bkmeijer1 - 9/13/2022, 5:24 PM
@StSteven - I also like how you suggest you don't have the time to be on time to comment something, yet have the time to write such an elaborate comment. Never you never cease to amuze me
StSteven - 9/13/2022, 5:44 PM
@bkmeijer1 - Well, that's like saying "So you do have time for an unnecessary root canal". And I think that just listening to "Morbius" would be the last step before total madness as you wouldn't have to visuals to help trying to piece together the "plot" (or so I've read).

As far as the TV on the sidewalk goes, I tried that when "Cats" came out and my sprinkler system just ended up shorting it out. And before you say it, based on the extreme heat that we've had here in Texas this year that f**king sprinkler IS going to keep going because I am NOT residing my lawn next spring. Uh-uh. AND, before you suggest wrapping the TV in plastic wrap to keep it dry, I already tried that and it ruined the resolution of the TV so that papers-by couldn't see the cat but holes (yeah, I got THAT version - don't ask how, I just did).
bkmeijer1 - 9/13/2022, 5:51 PM
@StSteven - yeah, that's not worth anything if not for the best resolution.

Personally, I just let the grass die. I think I had to do with no rain for almost two full month and atleast two heatwaves this summer. Grass sucks, but I'm too lazy to water it (it's green now again anyway) or replace it with tiles (think of the bees!)
StSteven - 9/13/2022, 5:55 PM
@bkmeijer1 - Well the thing is that I'm doing a lot of Computer Vision work these days, which, if you know your ML stuff, means that I do periodically have significant spans of time where my model is running through tens of thousands of images and doing training, inference, etc. so I find other things to do. Now, I'm on company time, but like I said I WFH so I could find other work-work things to do during that time (best use of company time), go work on my yard/pool (best use of y time), or comment here (complete waste of everyone's time).

And "elaborate comment"? Have you seen my normal comments?!? 😉 I'm not currently teaching and my wife and kids don't want to hear my rambling bullshit so this site is about the only outlet I have for my insatiable need to hear myself talk. Kinda like an insatiable need for blood. And BAM! that's how we get this thread back on-topic.

BTW, when you said "amuze" was that meant to be "amaze" or "amuse" or a clever portmanteau of the two? If the latter, tip of my hat to you good sir.
bkmeijer1 - 9/13/2022, 6:01 PM
@StSteven - I think I may accidentally have portmanteau'd that. Don't remember which of the two I wanted to use, so I accidentally made an error.

"or comment here (complete waste of everyone's time)"

It's not wasting time, if it's "amuzing"
StSteven - 9/13/2022, 6:05 PM
@bkmeijer1 - "Not the bees!!!!". (Ahem). Well we bought our house 9 years ago and the lawn has always been an uphill battle (mainly due to a big ass tree in the front), but I've been slowly making progress over the years so I'm not ready to admit defeat yet (although I've been close several times), especially as I'm one of the few people in my neighborhood who does their own yard work (most everyone else has a service). I have a bunch of spots where I need to patch it with sod, but what I said about my old car is true and it's on its last legs and it was the car that I would use to go to Walmart, Home Depot, etc. and get sod. So until we buy its replacement we're driving our nice car which I wouldn't even think about putting sod in. But that being said, the way the weather has been here for the last several months the sod probably would have died anyway. It's the same reason that we decided not to re-landscape our backyard this year. You may remember hearing how we had a crazy cold winter here in TX 2 years ago and it killed all the palm trees, bushes, etc. around the pool in my back yard. We've been wanting to replace them, but this year was not a good time. Sucks because when I'm looking at my pretty pool it's just fence behind it (which also needs to be replaced). Sometimes I really miss living in my 1-bedroom college apartment where I could just call Maintenance to fix stuff.
StSteven - 9/13/2022, 6:08 PM
@bkmeijer1 - Touche! Quick, call "Copyrighting! I want a quarter every time some uses that word!"
bkmeijer1 - 9/13/2022, 6:29 PM
@StSteven - as much as I would like a pool, I'm not gonna get one (since the house is already on the waterside anyway). Sure I could call maintenance too, which might be a good idea with the weather (winter and summer) just getting crazier. No way I can (read: want to) work the garden.

I know that if I get a boat though, I'm calling it the Amuze.
StSteven - 9/13/2022, 8:17 PM
@bkmeijer1 - Ohhhh, house on the waterfront. SO jealous. Although like my pool I'd probably be the only one to enjoy it (for now anyway), as I'm the only one who knows how to swim here. Funny story which makes me look like a dick, but funny anyway: my wife doesn't know how to swim. We first met right after she came over from China and started her PhD in the lab next to mine, which is how we met. We lived in the same on-campus apartment complex (all of the buildings had pools) so after we hooked up I offered to teach her how to swim. Now, for the record, these are "party pools" which means that they are only 3-4ft deep. So I had her climb on my back and put her arms around my neck and then gently walked her around the pool... until I dunked her. Yeah, dick thing to do. But you know what's an even more dick thing to do? After I calmed her down and convinced her to try it again... I dunked her again. Double dick thing to do. I admit that that was a terrible thing to do. But in my defense (if I have one) we had just hooked up and I never thought at that time that we'd end up getting married and etc. Still a dick thing to do. Not surprisingly, she has NEVER let that go and not only has never been our actual pool (I managed to get her into the spa part), but of course has made our kids deathly afraid of water, although I'm doing my best to get them over that.

As it is, the closest lake to me is about 20-30 mins away, which isn't too bad, and I would LOVE to buy a boat. When I was a kid my parents bought a cheap 18' sport boat and I learned to waterski, kneeboard (I currently have my kneeboard hanging on the wall in my garage), etc. and I would love to get back out there, but it's going to take a lot of time and non-dickishness effort before I can get everyone else onboard a boat, literally and figuratively.
StSteven - 9/13/2022, 8:24 PM
@bkmeijer1 - Oh, and I'd augment that boat name with this: "Amuze Me". Now THAT'S a hell of a boat name. Hell, that would also look good on a license plate. And being as we're in different countries I guess we can share it, if I ever get my boat 😊.
bkmeijer1 - 9/14/2022, 3:47 AM
@StSteven - I am really surprised that you managed to convince her to get a house with a pool then, after dunking her twice.

Also, a waterfront house doesn't sound as fun as you think. The possibility of getting a boat (and calling it Amuze Me) is great though. If I ever get one too
StSteven - 9/14/2022, 4:34 PM
@bkmeijer1 - Well that was back in 2007 and we bought the house in 2013, so one would think that she would have gotten over it by then (especially since she had already decided that I was trustworthy enough to marry), but one would be wrong as she STILL brings it up whenever learning to swim or whatever comes up (i.e. telling our kids "Don't let Daddy teach you to swim because he'll dunk you!").

Regardless, buying a house with a pool in Norther TX was pretty much non-negotiable for me. As a concession I agreed to build her a garden, which I did only for her to decide that she's pretty much an "indoor model" which meant that it became MY garden, along with all the other outdoor obligations.

But for the record, to this day she has yet to step one foot in the actual pool, although she's ben in the Jacuzzi that's attached to the pool a handful of times. I suppose if she never gets in the actual pool she never has to worry about me dunking her again. But just wait... one day... when she finally let's her guard down... SPLASH! And then you won't hear from me anymore as I'll likely be tied up in divorce proceedings. But it will be worth it. Oh, yeah, it will be worth it 😉.
bkmeijer1 - 9/14/2022, 5:57 PM
@StSteven - the way I see it, there is really only one thing you can do (headband included):

And for your future defense: you can always said I made you do it (no pressure though)
dracula - 9/13/2022, 9:55 AM
Its morbin time
dracula - 9/13/2022, 9:56 AM
Is it worst than Venom…..
thewanderer - 9/13/2022, 10:13 AM
@dracula - not Venom 2.

Venom > Morbius > Venom 2
TheWalkingCuban - 9/13/2022, 10:36 AM
@thewanderer - Well it kind of depends, is it worse for something to be boring or for some thing to be terrible? I don’t think Morbius was terrible, it was certainly boring. I don’t think venom two was boring, it was horrifying really terrible. I think that settles it, Morbius is better.
thewanderer - 9/13/2022, 10:38 AM
@TheWalkingCuban - Normally I'd say it's worse to be boring, but Venom 2 was incredibly bad.
Reeds2Much - 9/13/2022, 10:40 AM
@TheWalkingCuban - is it worse for something to be boring or for some thing to be terrible?

Everyone remembers Adolf Hitler, no one remembers Hjalmar Schacht.
GirshwinDavies - 9/13/2022, 11:06 AM
@dracula - I'd say they're very comparable. If you lower your expectations and have stupid fun, it's a decent experience. Key word "Decent."
TheWalkingCuban - 9/13/2022, 12:34 PM
@Reeds2Much - They would revisit that guy before the other guy though! Then again, the other guy did get a sequel…
TheWalkingCuban - 9/13/2022, 12:35 PM
@thewanderer - exceptionally stupid
Humperdoo - 9/13/2022, 1:39 PM
@dracula - Venom is pathetic.
tmp3 - 9/13/2022, 9:57 AM
the devil shivers when a clown starts to morb
Vigor - 9/13/2022, 9:58 AM
I watched it to see of it met the criticism. It doesn't. The movie is fine
Vs. Super hero movies from fox and Sony a decade ago, it's just as good if not better.

But I detest Sony meddling with marvel movies any further so I don't support this movie. However full honesty it's an ok movie
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