SPIDER-MAN 2: Insomniac Reveals 8 New Costumes Coming Next Week...Including A Few Returning Fan-Favorites

SPIDER-MAN 2: Insomniac Reveals 8 New Costumes Coming Next Week...Including A Few Returning Fan-Favorites

SPIDER-MAN 2 Video Game Concept Art Offers A Closer Look At The Sequel's Ferocious Take On Venom
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SPIDER-MAN 2 Video Game Concept Art Offers A Closer Look At The Sequel's Ferocious Take On Venom

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Nebula - 4/19/2018, 6:07 AM
You better not suck game! I swear to god!
CaptainElrond - 4/19/2018, 6:07 AM
I hope we get more villains, we still haven't gotten a decent green goblin in a game. Also doctor octopus does not get enough love anymore. Love another game with him in it, or anything!!!

MNLawyer - 4/19/2018, 6:09 AM
doomsday619 - 4/19/2018, 6:11 AM
@MNLawyer - Lol got there before me.
IKidYouNotMan - 4/19/2018, 7:28 AM
@MNLawyer - them references hahaha
LordHarryLatts - 4/19/2018, 6:10 AM
I'm gonna buy a PS4 when Red Dead Redemption 2 comes out.
doomsday619 - 4/19/2018, 6:10 AM
final Deadpool 2 trailer.
CaptainElrond - 4/19/2018, 6:14 AM
@doomsday619 - A surprise to be sure.
doomsday619 - 4/19/2018, 6:20 AM
@Toffee - I loved the "You're so dark. Are you sure you're not from the DC Universe?" and the Goonies and Thanos taunts.
SupermansTrunks - 4/19/2018, 6:12 AM
Im checking out now see y'all next week
LEVITIKUZ - 4/19/2018, 6:23 AM
I was thinking about this yesterday how Insomiac is doing everything right with Spider-Man even more than the MCU & especially the Spider-Man comics & cartoons.

Comics & cartoons side, I’ve always felt Marvel is afraid to have Peter grow as a character because he was created as this kid superhero that wasn’t a sidekick. It’s why Marvel cartoons of late focus so much of him in high school. Also why Marvel has wanted MJ & Peter to divorce since Clone Saga. Marvel has just done gimmickry stuff. What if Doc Ock became Spider-Man? What if everyone had Spider powers? What if Peter became Tony Stark? What if Norman Osborn became Carnage? I recently read Slott’s Renew Your Vows Tiein for Secret Wars & was amazed at how good this story is. It’s a story that feels right & natural for a Spider-Man story (maybe not Peter still working at the Bugle).

With the MCU side, my issues are his supporting characters. I like Ned but feels he is Ganke, Miles’s chubby Asian Lego loving friend. It feels wrong to give Peter Miles’s best friend. I also feel that Peter just didn’t have any struggles. He had some & I know he’s not in the same place he was in the Raimi films but I still connected more to Raimi Peter missing class because he was Spider-Man than any struggle he faced in HC up until the twist which I still love

But still to me, people always say “Spider-Man is the most relatable superhero” but I haven’t felt that in a long time with newer Spider-Man stuff. As a kid, I felt that when I read Bendis’s Ultimate Spider-Man. I feel more connected to older Spider-Man comics, the Raimi films, & multiverse stuff like Renew Your Vows than the canon stuff.

Maybe it’s because I’m at the point of my life like Peter is in this game of trying to figure out where your life is heading. Peter trying to balance Spider-Man, scientist, being with MJ, paying rent, paying student loans. Plus I love his supporting characters of MJ & Miles. I also love the story that Kingpin is finally taken down so what’s next? A new crime Lord takes over & Spidey has to deal with him. I have always wanted a more crime driven Spidey film/game (which HC did do & I appreciate that) than an evil scientist story.

I know this is long but I just really appreciate the direction of this game & everything it’s doing.
DTor91 - 4/19/2018, 6:38 AM
@LEVITIKUZ - Wholeheartedly agree.
IKidYouNotMan - 4/19/2018, 7:37 AM
@LEVITIKUZ - As someone who grew up reading the Amazing Spider-man from 1998 to 2006 you hit the nail on the head and it’s Joe Quesada’s fault.
RogueTitan - 4/19/2018, 8:54 AM
@LEVITIKUZ - Totally agree with what you're saying 100%
auditore - 4/19/2018, 11:26 AM
@LEVITIKUZ - They kinda have a good reason to make Peter so young in the MCU,actors get old faster than you can make blockbuster movies,it will be nice to see Tom Holland grow with the role
Kman - 4/19/2018, 7:05 AM
I bought a PS4 specifically for this game... please bring me back to the days of Spider-Man 2!
TexasAvenger - 4/19/2018, 7:53 AM
@Kman - I haven't bought it yet (waiting for a Spidey console confirmation) but I too am getting a PS4 just for this game.
SpideyPuffsMJ - 4/19/2018, 7:25 AM
So hyped for this. Mature Spidey, multiple suits, open-world, web-swinging + combat looks great, new/different villains. Bring it.
KindredMac - 4/19/2018, 7:34 AM
RogueTitan - 4/19/2018, 8:48 AM
Awesome! Looking forward to a Spider-Man thats actually accurate to the source material, unlike the trash Iron Boy we have in the MCU.
Comicbookart - 4/19/2018, 10:56 AM
Whoa. Mr. Negative looks awesome. I'm getting more used to that Spiderman suit. Still not too much of a fan of the white emblem. Glad they have the classic suit in this game.
blitzburgh - 4/19/2018, 11:31 AM
I know I am in the minority but I hate the suit
SabreToof - 4/19/2018, 8:05 PM
I was iffy at first about the suit, but at least it isn't the corporate Stark tech version. I can't see Spidey as his own man as long as he continues to be Iron Man's protege in the MCU.
DoctorDoomSayer - 4/20/2018, 8:56 AM
They paid a great amount of attention to the swinging in this game just like Spidey 2, so I believe the thrill and fun of just swinging and exploring manhattan will be back and that alone will immerse players into the game from the start.
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