There's two serious conditions Hollywood has these days- Sequelitis and Rebootendis. The industry is trying to take the cheap way out by spitting out unneeded sequels and seriously unwanted Reboots and remakes. Its totatlly sad to know that the only original movie to come out last summer was Christopher Nolan's Inception. Even this year there is few Original movies being released. BUT-the choices of movies this summer is far better than the last. So I ask this-why reboot the Spider-man trilogy?
Spider-man is the second highest engrossing CBM movie to date, soaring over 400 million domestically. It was a fantastic movie, brought a new style of CBM to the screen. Sam Rami's direction was phenomenal, and with a great performance from Willem Dafoe, Spider-man looked like the start of a memorable franchise

When Spider-man 2 hit theaters in 2004, It too was a huge hit, making 370+ million. Doc Oc was even better than the Green Goblin and with thrilling action sequences throughout the film, Spider-man 2 was a step above its predecessor. And its ending where Harry finds his dad's personal stash set us up for Spider-man 3
Okay, I can seriously write you a novel on how disappointing Spider-man 3 was. I think most of us can. But I'll just keep it short and simple-The promising trailers and posters may have painted an exciting film nonetheless, but Spider-man 3 held way too many Villains for its running time and with the whole emo dance, didn't help either. And did we really need Sandman/Flint Marko? I mean Honestly. He did little to the story line other than having taken part in Uncle Ben's shooting. If you ask me, They shoulda gone with Venom being the main villain. I love Venom, but Topher Grace as the bad guy? HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA

Even with the huge disappointment in the third installment, Spider-man really didn't need a reboot. Doesn't make sense. It would make sense if the movie tanked at the box office, but since it surpassed its budget domestically, then there really is no need for one. They should've gone ahead and did a 4th movie, corrected the mistakes they made in the 3rd and look back at and laugh. One thing we know about franchises is that if one of them sucks, the next one is either a vast improvement or its sometimes worse. I don't think this movie will do as good as the Sam Rami films merely because the movie goers that loved Tobey as Spidey will be disappointed or confused with Garfield in at the role. The Amazing Spider-man has two ways to go: North or South.
Oh well, i guess we'll have to wait and see.
Let me know!