After seening man of steel tonight on post in Fort Polk, LA, I have to be honest I'm still sitting here gathering my thoughts on MOS. My mind is totally blown. It was awesome! I'm not going to spoil the movie by giving away any spoilers specifically but I will comment on a few things.
The movie starts at a perfect point that no matter what level of fan boy or girl your going to immediately understand whats going on. I will say that Snyder used a military demolitions recipe when it comes to action, "P" for PLENTY! From that point on you can absolutely tell where the creative minds of Goyer and Nolan stepped in just by the feel and the way they used the films current scenarios to reminisce as to why that particular moment was special.
There are definitely some moments that will tug at your heart. MOS really focuses and uses the common sense approach on things by grounding the emotions that a young Clark or seasoned Pa&Ma Kent feel. However there are some minor super speed plot holes that make the movie feel like its got a slight Heart MurMur from time to time. As I continue to process things MOS had a good flow even with the hiccups.
Keep in mind I'm a totally supes fan but I feel as a fan of the DCU, WB's got to get their crap together if they want to contend in a cinematic comic world. With that said it did feel like the crew knew that those smalls holes where there because they where all very well recovered from by action and story. I will say that Snyder was right. This is the first time Superman has been delivered like this, and I agree no apologies are needed.
Finally, The one minor spoiler I will say is be prepared to come out your seat at the end. I loved it, I hated it, as a current active duty soldier who's been in combat I totally understand it, and im totally confused as to where that places supes at now...... I'm rambling............ CRAP MOS was EPIC! Over all I have to say I loved the movie It took all the best and worst of Superman and made it awesome. In my opinion Warner Bro. better get ready to make a positive announcement on the DCU future........... Daddy is back!