Zack Snyder is hard a work on his upcoming Superman movie Man of Steel, but took time out his busy schedule to talk with
Hero Complex about the soon to be released Ultimate Cut of The Watchman. While chatting with them, he talked about how he is taking Superman more serious than other movies have in the past. He also talked about his reason for wanting to do a movie on Superman was because he is the King-daddy of all Superheroes. Check out the full quote below:
It’s a more serious version of Superman. It’s not like a heart attack. We took the mythology seriously. We take him as a character seriously. I believe the movie would appeal to anyone. I think that you’re going to see a Superman you’ve never seen before. We approached it as though no other films had been made. He’s the king-daddy. Honestly that’s why I wanted to do it. I’m interested in Superman because he’s the father of all superheroes. He’s this amazing ambassador for all superheroes. What was it about him that cracked the code that made pop culture embrace this other mythology? What we‘ve made as a film not only examines that but is also an amazing adventure story. It’s been an honor to work on. As a comic book fan, Superman is like the Rosetta Stone of all superheroes. I wanted to be sure the movie treated it respectfully.
As of right now there is not a lot known about where Man of Steel will go. Rumors have been circulating that Man of Steel will kick off a shared universe for DC. There have also been rumors that Snyder might even be somehow involved with the Justice League project. While at San Diego Comic con this year Snyder didn't rule out the possibility of his Superman showing up in a Justice League movie, and based on how he keeps talking about Superman being an ambassador for all superheros it wouldn't be a total shock.
To check out the rest of the interview where Snyder talks The Watchman Ultimate cut, Before Watchman, and whether he is pro Watchman prequels head on over to the
Hero Complex. For the latest on all things Man Of Steel check back here at CBM