It's been ten years that many fans have patiently waited for Clark Kent to dawn the cape on the CW's "Smallville". It all came down to this May 13th series finale episode.
In the last five minutes or so of the two hour finale, I finally witnessed what I've been craving the site of for the past decade. Tom Welling in a suit- Flying and in a suit! And Lois!! As I watched one of the most recognizable heroes fly to the skies and save the world, I couldn't help but crave more than just the astronomic view of the man in red and blue. I wanted to see the Man of Steel in the suit in all its glory, and for more than five minutes. I can't blame the story. Of course, this was a show about Smallville, the origins of a hero. The epic ending of this series will not be forgotten and only reminds me of what is to come. In 2012, we are due to witness a new era of Superman. Zack Snyder's Man of Steel.
I thank Smallville and all it's done to fill in the gaps while we wait for the rebuilding of a new movie franchise that deserves another chance to make us dream a man can fly.